Page 65 of Angel of Death
‘Why not? Now would be a good time. A break, that’s what you need, take your mind off this Finnigan case.’
He took the lift down to his own office and stood by the window, staring bleakly out. He couldn’t disobey, he had to do as he was told and drop the case.
Miranda Grey was on her own now. He hoped to God the Finnigans didn’t find out where she was, that was all. He really ought to get in touch with her, let her know that the case was being dropped, warn her to be careful. And Greece would be the perfect place for a holiday.
Alex Manoussi had had a long, hot, hard morning. He needed to get away from the boat yard, sit in the shade at his favourite harbour-side restaurant, under the awning, drink an ice cold beer, then eat a light lunch – hummus to start with, then salad with fish or maybe lamb.
His table was ready; the waiter quickly brought him a high glass of beer, the sides dewed with condensation from being put into a bowl of chopped ice for a few minutes.
‘Thavmasseeos,’ he breathed, taking a long swallow. ‘Wonderful, perfect, I was dying for that.’ He took another mouthful, then asked, ‘Any specials today?’
‘Streidia, very good oysters, with shallots and parsley. Or there’s a salad of feta cheese and oranges. Or Kavouras.’
‘Ah, crab, I haven’t eaten that for a while – how is it served?’
‘Plain, boiled, with green olives, olive oil and lemon juice. Very simple, but good. And the main courses – we have squid, in red wine and oil, a stifado, a good casserole with herbs, tomatoes and vegetables. And the meat special of the day is choirino – baked pork chops with aubergines, potatoes and green beans.’
‘Sounds good. I’ll start with the crab and half a dozen oysters, then have the pork chops.’
‘And wine?’
‘Just your house white.’
‘Today that’s from Crete, a Gentilini. a good flavour but not expensive.’
He had just started eating his starter when a shadow fell across him. Looking up he started, eyes widening.
‘Sandra? What on earth are you doing here?’
The Greek men in the restaurant all lifted their eyes to stare at the blonde in the clinging leopard-skin tunic which emphasised her large breasts and rounded hips. It clung so close she might as well be naked.
‘We’re just finishing a cruise around the Greek islands – flying home from Athens. You remember Jack, don’t you?’
He nodded to the other man, noting with distaste the gold earrings, the heavy gold watch, the glisten of oil on Jack’s hair.
‘Did you enjoy the trip?’
‘Yeah, it was OK,’ Jack said. ‘Is the food good here? Good restaurant, is it?’
‘Excellent. I can recommend the fish, particularly.’
‘I like the look of those oysters.’ Jack’s smile revealed even, capped white teeth. ‘Good for the sex life. An aphrodisiac, they say, don’t they?’
‘They say,’ agreed Alex.
‘The cruise ship stopped off on Delos,’ Sandra said.
Alex stiffened, met her mocking stare. ‘Oh? Beautiful, isn’t it?’
‘We saw you there, didn’t we, Jack?’
Jack nodded. ‘That’s right.’
‘We were going back to the ship. You were landing.’ Sandra paused, watching him. ‘You had a girl with you. I recognised her. She used to work for Terry. Did you know he’s been looking for her for weeks?’
Alex shook his head coolly.