Page 16 of Seductive Stranger
'Prue, I'm sorry. Josh has a terrible temper, I'm afraid.'
'I had noticed,' Prue said.
r /> Josh opened his mouth to argue, but James Allardyce beat him to it, hurriedly saying, it just occurred to me . . . I'm wall-mending tomorrow morning, Josh, so as Prue needs to be driven to the hospital, maybe I could change my shift with someone else?'
'That won't be easy,' Josh said. 'I had a job fitting that rota together; I don't know who could change shifts with you. Look, I'll drive her to the hospital. I have to drop in there, anyway.'
'I can get a taxi,' Prue hastily said, appalled at the very idea of another confrontation with Josh Killane, but nobody took any notice of her.
'Why do you have to go to the hospital?' Mrs Killane asked Josh.
'I have to call in on old Jack Armsden.'
'Of course, I'd forgotten!' said his mother.
'They had him in there for observation for a week, but he had his operation the day before yesterday, and the ward sister rang me today to say he could have visitors now. I said I'd call in some time tomorrow.'
'Poor old Jack, having a major operation at his age is no joke,' said James Allardyce.
'Does the hospital think he's going to be OK?' Mrs Killane asked her son, who shrugged, his face wry.
'They weren't saying, but he's a tough old man, I think he has a fair chance of pulling through.'
'He has no family left,' James Allardyce said, looking sombre.
'No,' agreed Josh flatly. That's why I must go and see him as soon as possible.'
'Oh, yes, you must!' Mrs Killane agreed. 'Poor man, and he's always so kind. Who's looking after his dogs? I should have thought of that.'
'Don't worry, Mother, .I've seen to the dogs, and the canary!'
'Josh thinks of everything!' Lynsey suddenly said in a sniping voice, and her mother frowned at her.
'Yes, he does—whatever is the matter with you, Lynsey? Stop trying to get at your brother all the time!'
'Oh, dear, so sorry,' Lynsey said, getting up and flouncing up the stairs.
'Lynsey! Come back here!' her mother called after her, but got no answer, Flushed and upset, Mrs Killane looked helplessly at Josh.
'What are we going to do with her?'
'She's going back to college soon, that's what we're going to do with her,' he said, frowning in grim irritation.
'Dinner's nearly ready—I'd better go and get her down again!' his mother said, but Josh shook his head.
'Leave her up there. If she's hungry, she'll come down. If she doesn't, she can go without!' He looked at James Allardyce. 'If you get a chance, maybe you could visit Jack Armsden, Jim?'
'Of course I will! Known him all my life, after all/
'Yes, he's worked on the estate since he was a boy, and his father before him—we're the nearest thing to a family he's got.'
Prue met her father's eyes and James Allardyce explained, 'Jack's wife died years ago—they did have a boy once, when they were young, but he died when he was just a lad, I can't remember what he died of, can you, Lucy?'
'Wasn't it polio? It was very sudden; a tragic business and they could never have another child, she was one of those tiny, frail women. She had tuberculosis—maybe that was what killed the boy, too? I can't quite remember, it was so long ago. Jack was in his early forties, then, and how old is he now?'
'Seventy-two,' said Josh. 'As you say, it was all so long ago. He's been alone for years.'
'Poor old man,' Prue thought aloud, shivering because she remembered how she had felt when her mother was killed and she found herself left alone in the world. She had, at least, had David and his family nearby, to comfort her, though. It must have been much worse for Jack Armsden.