Page 49 of Her Secret Life
“If you ever need to sue, we’ll want the takedown letter as evidence.”
Sue. As in, this was going to go on and on until they found out who was doing it and forced them to stop by suing them.
Or until the guy got bored and moved on to more lucrative prey.
“He’s not making money off the photos,” she said. “That site isn’t paying him. And the address attached to the photo is my email, so it’s not like anyone can contact him to get more access.”
“No, but he could be sending news sources to the site to show the kind of inside scoop he can provide.”
“What, he’s at a club I’m at? Outside a boat when I’m disembarking?”
“He or she knows where you are.” Michael’s words were soft. Almost hesitant. “They have access to your schedule.”
“A ton of people know where I am,” she said. “Our crowd is pretty predictable.” So maybe the answer was not to run with the crowd.
Bo wasn’t going to like it.
“That’s not all, Kace.”
Of course it wasn’t. No. She was not going to feel sorry for herself. She was making way too big a deal about a few photos. She was in Hollywood. She was newsworthy. That’s when you knew you’d made it.
It was all a part of success.
“What else is there?”
“The photo has been posted to another site, as well.”
She’d checked her email. Looked for Google alerts. There’d only been the one.
“A new site?”
“Then we’ve got them, right? Because you’re monitoring my address. You can see who used it.” Unless... “Or did they use another address? But then you can trace them from that, right?”
“They used your email address to register for the account, and as a username, just like before.”
“So we have him. Or her.”
“No. There’s been no new activity on the account. Nothing. Just the emails you and Lacey sent before she left for her honeymoon.”
“I don’t understand. How can that be?”
“They had to have registered the second site before I started monitoring it.”
She was getting the bad news tone in his voice now. “Which means he could have registered any number of sites. That the problem might only be starting. That it could escalate to the point of a media splash.”
“We’ll stop it before it goes viral.”
“How?” If she never took another drink in her life, it wouldn’t matter. The world would still see her as a drunk. The idea made her tired. Sick.
Paying for her sins was one thing. Being branded for something she wasn’t doing...
It wasn’t a big deal. It wouldn’t hurt her career. Publicity was publicity. She was making too much out of a small thing.
“The second account will still give me more to go on. Until it’s used, it’s nearly impossible for me to tell an account is there, but there are some things I can do. Deep-web searches I can perform. I’m going to figure out who’s behind this, Kacey.”
She believed him.