Page 68 of Her Secret Life
He couldn’t do it. “I shouldn’t have asked, Michael. I was being selfish. I’m sorry.” She felt a sob rising up in her throat. Tried to force it back. She meant what she’d said. She didn’t need him there because he was too honorable to kick her when she was down.
She’d been assaulted. Her bruises would fade in a few days and her body would be good as new. They hadn’t even managed to get her jeans undone, let alone touch her down there.
She was a lucky woman. Just like the doctor had said when he’d first examined her.
To prove her point, she stood and faced him. As soon as Lacey and Jem came back out, she’d tell him she was tired.
She was.
But she dreaded the thought of lying in bed alone with the night’s images in her mind.
Probably like anything else, the specter loomed huge, but once she faced it, it would fade right out and she’d wake up tomorrow feeling entirely different.
Back in control.
His hands on her shoulders surprised her. She was the toucher. Not Michael. And that was the second time tonight that he’d reached out first.
“When Lacey called...everything else paled,” he said. “I didn’t come to the hospital because I thought you needed my immediate attention regarding a photo. I came because I had to see you. Just to know that you were okay. Lacey’s word wasn’t enough.”
He wasn’t hurting her shoulders. Just...touching them. She stared into eyes she could barely see in the moonlight. They were glistening.
“I don’t know what you call us, Kace. We live completely separate lives. But I want you to know that I’m here for you. And—” he bowed his head as he lightly rubbed just above the worst of the bruises “—I need you, too. When I got the call about Willie...I wanted to talk to you...”
Oh, God. He wanted to be her friend. Her real friend.
She stared up at him, and in the darkness, there were no scars. Just a strong man with the most beautiful face she’d ever seen. There was nothing fake about Michael Valentine.
And she sent up a prayer that she could be worthy of the huge gift he’d just given her.
JEM HAD AN appointment first thing in the morning, so he needed to get to bed. Lacey, who’d be staying home with Levi and Kacey, offered to sit up with her sister so Mike could get home.
He didn’t have to be anywhere in particular in the morning—his original hope had been to meet Kacey for breakfast, but she’d had other plans. A family trip to Uncle Bob’s that had been promised to Levi. He guessed it would still happen.
Kacey was strong. And determined.
He needed to speak with her about that. As her secret mentor.
“If it’s okay with you, I can stay awhile,” he said to Lacey. He saw her look at Kacey, who’d come in just behind him and then, with a look to Jem, she nodded.
He didn’t like the message he’d seen them share. Like they were talking about him and Kacey without saying words. Finishing a conversation they’d already had about the two of them.
This was just what Kacey and he didn’t need. Why they’d kept their friendship a secret. But he’d have to worry about that later.
“We’ll say good-night then,” Lacey said as she and her husband started down the hall together, but she turned back. “I’m going to have my phone next to me all night, Kace. You promise you’ll text if you can’t sleep? Or if you wake up in the middle of the night? I can come lie down with you.”
“I promise.” Kacey was standing right beside Mike now, where the living room windows looked out to the front yard. She’d glanced that way twice in the couple of seconds she’d been in his line of vision.
“I mean it, Kacey. A real promise. None of this thinking it’s wrong to lean on me garbage.”
“I promise.” She sounded less like herself since they’d come in the house.
“Forget it,” Lacey said. “I’m setting my phone to ring me every two hours. I’ll come check on you, and if you’re awake, I’m staying.”
Jem wore a half grin and nodded. Kacey nodded.