Page 76 of My Babies and Me
MICHAEL WAS GONE when Susan awoke the next morning. If not for the indentation of his head on the pillow beside hers, the rumpled covers, she’d never have known he was there.
She’d dreamed of him all night long.
To the point of frustration. She was horny as hell.
Based on the way things were going, she was almost relieved when he called her at work later that morning to tell her he’d be gone for a couple of days. He had to
make a quick trip to Atlanta.
She needed a break from the tension. A little time to herself to distinguish between her needs and her wants. To be honest with herself.
A little time to determine whether or not she could let Michael come back.
AS IT TURNED OUT, she didn’t have a chance to make that decision. Michael was in her study, deeply involved in a telephone conversation when she arrived home from work on Thursday. She’d been playing phone tag with him all week and, as a result, hadn’t spoken to him since he left.
She wasn’t sure if that was deliberate or not. Her fault or his.
She just knew she’d never been happier to see him there.
Embarrassed by the relieved tears that sprang to her eyes, she gave him a quick wave and hurried in to change her clothes. Or rather, to get herself under control. Changing her clothes was an afterthought.
“New dress?” Michael asked, following her into the bedroom a few minutes later.
“Uh-huh, bought it yesterday.” She turned and modeled it for him. “You like it?”
A light cotton, tank-style sundress, Susan had found it so comfortable she’d actually picked out seven of them. In varying shades. Tonight she’d chosen the dark-gold one because of the way it brought out the highlights in her hair. “I do like it,” he said, pulling her into his arms. “I like you, too.”
She saw his lips descending, her heart quickening so fast it stole her breath. Too needy to think, she welcomed him, kissing him back as desperately as he was kissing her.
He was touching her again.
He felt so good, she trembled.
“It’s been one hell of a long three weeks,” he grumbled against her lips. And then he consumed them again. Consumed all her senses. The light musky scent of his aftershave, the salty taste of his lips, his voice deep and low moaning his desire, the coarse touch of his thick dark hair sliding through her fingers, the sight of him, there, with her.
The long fast had ended. And her celebration was too intense to deny him anything he asked of her.
His hands worked their familiar magic as he quickly stripped her of the dress she’d just donned. A moment later, he’d added her bra and underwear to the pile on the floor.
“You’ve blossomed,” he said, splaying his hands across her breasts, cupping them.
“Mmm-hmm,” Susan murmured, inanely proud of herself.
“I’ve missed you.” Lowering his head, he took her lips again, holding the contact as he urged her back on the bed.
His suit and other things soon landed on the floor with hers and then he was inside her, his hands everywhere, his body her only reality as he brought her to one of the fastest climaxes of her life.
“Guess being pregnant has its side effects,” she gasped, out of breath and slightly embarrassed by her unusual haste.
Stilling inside her for a moment while her tremors subsided, Michael grinned. “Care to do research on that theory?”
“Anytime.” She was promising him everything. Anything he wanted. As much as he wanted. Knowing that, in the end, he might want nothing at all.
And then she was floating again, caught up in the power of his loving as he accompanied her toward an incredible climax, her name on his lips.
HE LAY BESIDE HER afterward, belly to belly, just as he’d loved her, until one of the babies gave a kick so mighty it made her grunt.