Page 77 of A Child's Wish
“Jeez, Kelse, you make me sound like an ogre. I don’t yell.”
“Just be nice, okay? She’s had a hard day.” Kelsey’s expression was earnest.
“I’m a nice guy, sweetheart.”
“Daddy!” There was exasperation mixed with warning in the word.
“I promise.”
“Thank you.”
Mark grinned at his offspring, wondering how he’d managed to raise such an opinionated imp.
DRESSED IN A LONG DENIM SKIRT, white blouse and sparkling beads, her long golden-red hair loose down her back, Meredith looked ready to meet the world when she opened her door. She wasn’t home, depressed, needing visitors. Mark felt like an idiot standing on her front porch, a dripping banana-pie ice-cream treat in one hand.
“Hi, my dad isn’t mad at you,” Kelsey said before he could excuse their intrusion and hightail it out of there.
“Kelsey!” Meredith’s pleasure sounded genuine. “Come on in!”
So much for a rapid departure. They were inside. With a perfectly fine woman who did not appear to need any cheering up at all.
“We brought you a treat,” Kelsey said. “Didn’t we, Daddy?”
“Uh, yes,” he finally spoke, handing her the bag, but avoiding her eyes.
“We got some for us, too,” Kelsey said, leading the way to the kitchen where she took a seat at Meredith’s round table. His daughter had spent the night there once and acted like she owned the place. Mental note: Teach Kelsey some more manners.
“Banana pie!” Meredith said. “And cookie dough for you.” She put a lidded and sweating cup in front of Kelsey.
“Daddy got banana pie, too.” Kelsey told her, dripping ice cream on the place mat as she removed her lid.
“I see that.” Meredith put his cup in front of one of the remaining chairs. Glanced up. And looked him straight in the eye. Her gaze was full of questions he couldn’t answer. He wasn’t sure what they were.
“The people on the radio were jerks,” Kelsey said, around a mouthful of ice cream. “Daddy even said so. Didn’t you, Daddy?”
Meredith was still watching him. “Yep.”
His employee’s shoulders relaxed visibly.
And, ironically, so did Mark’s.
“YOU WANT TO GO to Osage Hills with us?” Kelsey asked as she licked the last of her ice cream off the plastic spoon. “We’re going on the trail to the waterfall, and then Daddy and I are going to play Frisbee.”
Hiking. Playing. It sounded wonderful.
“I’m sure Meredith has plenty to do this afternoon, Kelse.” Mark intervened before Meredith could reply. “She’s obviously ready to go out. We’re probably holding her up.”
Kelsey looked at her. “Are we?”
“No.” Meredith smiled. Kelsey was trying too hard; she wasn’t as happy as she’d have them believe, but Meredith was soaking up the genuine warmth that emanated from the little girl. She’d missed her. A lot. “But I’m sure your father has other plans for the afternoon, honey.”
She couldn’t look at Mark again. There was danger there. Something she didn’t understand.
And there was guilt. She’d kissed him, after her friend had trusted them alone together. No matter that Susan had subsequently broken up with him. Susan might have made a mistake. She loved him.
“Nope,” Kelsey was saying, her feet swinging under the table, knocking against the chair leg. “Today’s my choice.”
Oh. “Well, I’m sure you don’t want me barging in on your twosome.”