Page 43 of Husband by Choice
But a little stab now was so much better than the grief he’d feel if Caleb was hurt. Better than loving Meri for another few years, making more memories and maybe even another baby, and then losing her. She knew that. Knew that she was being kindest in the long run. Knew that she had no other choice. And still...
Sometimes I wonder when I will reach the point that it’s all more than I can bear. When is enough, enough?
No. She couldn’t go down the road to nowhere. She’d traveled it for too long. And wasn’t going back.
She wouldn’t give Steve that satisfaction. And she wouldn’t do it to herself, either. I have to let Max know that I’m okay. And that I honestly and truly want to leave him so he’ll tell Chantel to stop looking for me. I can’t have them finding Steve. They’ll never get him. They’ll only piss him off. Make him more inclined to hurt them. Or Caleb. They’re taking away the time I need to plan. Forcing me to hurry.
I have to convince him to back off.
I convinced Officer Wayne Stanton tonight. I convinced Renee and Yvonne, too. And now I have to find a way to convince the dear sweet man that I love more than life that I don’t want a life with him.
Please God, if I’m going to die seeing this mission through, take me soon.
* * *
ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, Chantel called Max at work. He’d just come in from a patient and was voicing his chart notes into his computer when the phone rang.
“Do you have anyone who covers for you there?”
“I do,” he said. And as soon as he got off the phone, he was going to ask the other pediatrician who worked at the clinic to take his appointments for the rest of the day. It would be the second day in a week that he’d asked for the favor.
“What’s up?” He’d dropped Caleb off at day care on his way in to work that morning so Chantel had the house to herself. And the freedom to come and go as necessary.
“I have a dinner appointment with that detective I told you about.”
“She’s in Santa Raquel?”
“No, it’s in Laughlin. She doesn’t want to meet in Vegas. She says there are too many people who know people there and she’s not sure who’s still friendly with Steve and who isn’t. I guess he was in good with the police commissioner and I’m guessing that’s why he still has a perfect record.”
“Laughlin’s nine hours from here.”
“I can get us booked on a flight to Bullhead City just across the river if you can leave by two. We’ll be home by eleven o’clock tonight. Wayne and his wife said they’d keep Caleb for us. They’ll come to your house. I think he’s curious to meet you and Caleb after seeing Meredith last night.”
“He believes her.”
“Yeah, but he also understands your position. It’s a tough one. Like I said, we all deal with DV issues, Max. And I knew you wouldn’t leave Caleb unless you were absolutely certain he’d be safe.”
“Thank you. I’m in.”
Max finished charting, rescheduled his well-checks, and moved the rest of his appointments to the office next door. He did the same for Thursday’s appointments, as well.
He had no idea what he was going to find out in Laughlin.
But he walked with new energy in his step.
He was going to get some answers.
* * *
JENNA MANAGED TO avoid Lila on Wednesday. She avoided the cafeteria and, except for her speech therapy appointments, she avoided the main building.
For that one day, she avoided the library as well, opting instead to take a break at the resort’s kidney-shaped outdoor pool.
Steve was not her first priority that day.
Convincing Max that she’d left of her own accord was her number one priority. If he didn’t stop looking for her, Steve would get mad. He might do something to Caleb, just to show Max who was more powerful. Lying facedown on a lounge chair in the one piece suit she’d picked up from the TLS thrift store, Jenna closed her eyes.