Page 64 of Husband by Choice
She’d wondered many times why not her. “I just know that I was left on this earth for a purpose and so I try, every single day, to give as much of myself as I can give to those around me, hoping that I’m fulfilling that purpose.”
“To justify living when the others didn’t?”
Counselors didn’t get as in your face as Renee was doing. But anyone who’d been through counseling would be able to ask these same questions. She’d been through them all. More than once.
“To make lemonades out of lemons,” she said, quoting the slogan of The Lemonade Stand. She glanced at the wall opposite them with the full mural of a lemon grove and the words painted in colorful script winding through the trees.
She knew she was on the right course. She’d applied herself to the programs and counseling.
If she’d blamed herself for anything, it was that she’d lived and Chad hadn’t.
But she knew that it had been fate that had taken her little brother, not she.
MAX KNEW THAT Chantel was off on Monday. He just didn’t expect her to be in Santa Raquel. He’d suggested, the night before that, until there was something more to go on, she stay home and get caught up on her life there.
He’d been trying to tell her nicely that he didn’t think it was a good idea for them to be spending so much time together.
For her to be staying over so much that Caleb was getting used to having another woman there.
It had been two days since the toddler had asked for his mother. He hadn’t asked for Chantel, either, but when she showed up at their door just before nine, catching him watching the end of yet another Disney movie with his son—keeping the boy up an hour past his bedtime to boot—Caleb said “Chan,” from his place on Max’s hip.
“Hey, Caleb,” Chantel said, pulling a teddy bear from behind her back. “This is Henry. He’s a friend of mine and he wanted to meet you.”
“Hen’y.” Caleb took the bear, but didn’t smile. He was sizing up Chantel. And when she leaned in a little farther toward him, he leaned back.
“He’s a tough egg to crack, isn’t he?” she said, depositing her duffel bag on the floor as she walked into their home.
“He’s a lot like his mom,” Max said. He needed Meri there.
“I know I’m taking a huge liberty packing a bag and showing up without calling first,” Chantel told him, following him into the living room where the movie was on pause.
“Ca....” Caleb made the demand without an ounce of little boy excitement. “Ca,” he said again, as though to be sure that Max had clearly understood what had to happen next.
/> Max picked up the remote control and restarted the Cars video for him.
“I’ve got news, Max,” Chantel said, sitting on the edge of the armchair perpendicular to the couch.
His gaze flew to her.
“That’s why I’m here. Wayne’s off in the morning and I’m meeting him to check out a few places.”
“Is it—” He glanced toward Caleb.
“She’s fine. Still at the same place,” Chantel said. “Planning a pool party from what I understand.”
“She told Wayne to tell me that?”
“No. Just something he overheard and told me.”
“Because he doesn’t think she’s on the run. He thinks her reasons are the ones she gave.” He chose his words carefully, in the remote chance that his son was following any part of the conversation.
“But she knows that Wayne is reporting to me?”
Chantel shook her head.