Page 82 of Husband by Choice
“What room number?”
“391.” The case worker gave a number that would not be given out at the hospital.
“Where’s Olivia?”
“With her paternal grandparents.” There were no maternal grandparents.
“And her father?”
“In jail. The parents pressed charges on Olivia’s behalf. They weren’t going to give their son the chance that Yvonne might change her mind again.”
“I’ll go see her.”
“I’m sure she’ll like that. She was worried about you but didn’t have a way to contact you.”
“She’s conscious, then?”
“In and out. He got her pretty bad this time. Broke her shoulder. Busted her lip and one of her eyes is swollen shut.”
She nodded, finished up the call, walked through the door of the shop and took the next bus out.
* * *
Standing outside the door of exam room three on Thursday, Max listened to the voice mail that had come in while he’d been checking on a young patient with swollen tonsils.
“We’ve had two positive IDs for Steve Smith at establishments not far from the beach house. And a hit on a green car. It’s from a few months ago. The attendant at a cash-for-your-car lot recognized a photo. He found a Notice of Transfer and Release of Liability form that’s required by law for every sale, but it only required the purchaser to list a name and address. They were both bogus. He remembers a green car, but couldn’t remember which one, so there’s no way to trace it. Still, Wayne thinks he might still be in the area. I just wanted you to know.”
Stepping into an empty exam room, he dialed her back with one push of a button.
“What about Meri?” he asked as soon as she picked up. “Has he alerted her?”
“He made a phone call. She’ll be told.”
“So she’s safe?”
“Last reported sighting of Smith was a couple of days ago,” she said. “Meredith was where she’s staying this morning.”
“So we can assume that, for now, she’s safe.”
He stared at his bright green tennis shoes. He was in Gumby print today. “She knew he was in town,” he surmised aloud. “That’s why she left.”
“You thought that all along.”
Yeah, but he’d also thought she’d been forced to leave. That Steve had taken her against her will. Or threatened her into going.
But she’d been back to the house. Taken their anniversary money. Very clearly of her own accord. No one else could have known about it.
“Either way, she’ll know now,” he said, feeling completely powerless. Meri was in danger. Probably had been through their whole marriage.
He couldn’t pretend otherwise anymore.
And didn’t know what to do to
help her.