Page 94 of Husband by Choice
“Just before, actually, and we’re going to have to deal with that, you know,” he said, sending her a sideways glance as he shifted and pulled out into traffic. As soon as they were in a steady line of traffic, Steve’s hand slid from the gear shift to her knee.
Staking possession. Stating ownership. Whatever.
He might have her body. But he didn’t and never would own her. That was the difference between then and now.
And why she might just pull this off.
When they stopped at a light, Meredith watched as a police car pulled up two lanes over. The officer was looking around him, but didn’t glance their way. Which was fine. It wasn’t as if she was going to ask for help. Or wanted it.
“So you’ve been living here?”
“No. I’ve got a place in Nevada. And one in Colorado, too, actually. I just come here when I need a Meredith fix.”
When he was feeling like less than a man. And then what did he do? Spy on her?
She prayed to God that was all it was, not something involving unknown innocent women who’d be taken in by his dark good looks and lithe physique.
“So why contact me after all this time?”
“Believe it or not, because I love you.”
His tone had changed and she glanced over once more, catching a glimpse of the man she’d once known in his eyes. The man who’d stolen her young heart and taught her what loving was all about.
Before he taught her what it wasn’t.
“I don’t understand.”
“I’ve got enough money for us to do whatever we want to do,” he said. And she wondered from whence it had come. Had wondered when he’d mentioned the home in Colorado. “You have to understand, Meredith....” His tone reminded her of long ago Steve.
She wondered if something had happened to change him. If maybe this really was just about moving on. About apologizing and letting go.
“You married a doctor. I knew I was going to have to up my ante if I was going to continue to have any hold on you....”
He was not changed enough.
“I’ve spent the past four years taking whatever job had the highest pay, doing some things I’d rather not have done. But I’m the best at what I do, a lot of people know that, and now I can offer you more than your doctor will ever be able to.”
He couldn’t. But she didn’t bother trying to explain that it wasn’t about the money. Or that he’d never have enough of anything else to suit her.
“So that’s it? You think I’m just going to leave Max and our son and get back with you?”
She’d be flabbergasted if she hadn’t done so much reading over the past couple of weeks.
“I know you will. Because you know what I will do if you don’t. And you know I’ll get away with it, too.”
“You’re pretty sure of yourself.”
“You’re here, aren’t you?”
Not like he thought. Not at all like he thought. She had to keep reminding herself to stay one step ahead of his domineering personality.
“And you want me that way? Knowing that you had to threaten me to get me here?”
“I only have to threaten because you have your own issues, sweet Meredith. You needed the family that I wouldn’t give you. I understand that now. So I’m prepared to give it to you.”
“What does that mean?”
“I’m going to impregnate you,” he said as though the answer was obvious. “Then your Max won’t want you. You’ll divorce him. And you’ll have to marry me again. Because you want a family more than anything. And you can’t stand to be alone.”