Page 112 of A Son's Tale
That she knew of, that is.
“Sammie said he’d called you,” she said, in case Frank was worried that she didn’t know. “I told him it was fine with me as long as he wasn’t bothering you.”
“He doesn’t bother me,” Frank said. “That’s one great boy you’ve got there. Kind of reminds me of Cal. Before everything went wrong, I mean.”
She didn’t want to talk about Cal. Or think about him. But how did you stop thinking about a man who starred in your dreams every night?
“He’s asked me if he can start coming by again, to play ball.”
“Oh! I’m sorry, I had no idea that was why he was calling. He doesn’t know about your classes, or realize that you’ll be a lot busier now and…”
Frank was shaking his head. “It would be the highlight of my week if you’d allow him to come over,” Frank said. “He told me he made the junior high team, but he’s the smallest one out there. He could use the confidence boost some extra court time will give him. I got my driver’s license last week and will be buying a car this weekend. With your permission, I could pick Sammie up from school one or two days a week and keep him until you’re off work.”
“Does Cal know your plans?”
“Don’t you think you should ask him?”
“He might not want my son at his home.”
“It’s actually my home,” Frank said. “We’ve been living there rent-free as payment for my work at the nursing home. The landlord has agreed to let me continue to stay as long as I want. I’ll be working at the nursing home at least until I finish classes in December. And then, who knows?”
The older man grinned. And she saw Cal. “Maybe, in a few months, after I’ve got some order back in my life, I’ll give Rose Sanderson a call. Cal says we should wait for them to call us. I can’t say I disagree with him. They’ll have been told about the update in the case and though the restraining order Rose got against me is long expired, it’s probably still best that we wait. Awhile. And then if I don’t hear from her, all bets are off.”
Frank hardly resembled the hunched old man she’d met at Cal’s house that first day. “I hope everything works out for you.”
“So what do you say? May I tell Sammie yes? May your son come play ball at my house?”
Deny her son something he needed and wanted that she could provide for him? “Of course.”
“Thank you.”
She sat there, so close to Cal, and yet so far away, wanting to tell Frank to tell him hello. And not wanting to force herself where she no longer deserved to be. She’d made a huge mistake in judgment.
She’d betrayed them both. Frank might be willing to forgive her, but clearly Cal wasn’t. He hadn’t called. Not even after the semester ended.
And she didn’t blame him. How did you trust a woman who couldn’t seem to see a forest for the trees?
“I have something else to discuss with you.”
“Oh. What’s that?”
“My son.”
Her hands started to shake.
“Do you love him?”
She stared at Frank.
“At the police station that day, your father said you were in love with my son.”
“Yes, he did.”
“So, are you?”