Page 55 of A Daughter's Trust
He touched her through her clothes, first. His body against hers. And then with his hands. All over her. He wanted to know what that space on the inside of her elbow felt like. The joint between her torso and her thighs. He touched her behind the knees and at the base of her throat. He ran his hands over her bottom. And again.
She let him. And his penis, already hard, stiffened more.
Her breasts were soft. Full. He cou
ld hardly believe he had them in his hands. Her nipples quickly became buds beneath his fingers. He stimulated them until she was rocking beside him. Pushing up against him.
He had to pull his hips back before he spilled himself.
He didn’t even have her clothes off yet.
Pushing her hand between them, Sue tugged at the strap of his belt, releasing it. His jeans came undone just as quickly.
And he could breathe again. Sort of.
“You okay?” he asked, her fingers on his pants.
“Umm-hmm.” With her lips against his ear, then his mouth, she rolled, and he let her, helping her up on top of him.
He didn’t help much when, over the next several minutes, she took her time undressing the rest of him. He watched, though.
Oh, God, he watched.
As she unbuttoned his shirt. Ran her fingers through the hair on his chest. And down to his navel. As she teased his nipples. And brushed against the hair she’d exposed at his groin.
She sat astride him and slowly lifted up her top. Very slowly.
“You’re asking for trouble,” he half growled, half groaned.
“Yeah. I thought so.” But she didn’t change her course.
And that’s when Rick stopped being a spectator. As soon as her breasts were out there for him to see, he touched them. Pulled her down to him. Kissed them.
Kissed as much of her as he could reach. And then he rolled her over onto her back, lying beside her as he finished undressing her and spread her legs. Caressed her. Learning from her expression where and how she best liked his touch.
How to drive her wild.
And then, sliding in between those spread legs, Rick tested her body. She was slick and eager and he buried himself inside her. Again and again. Finding something he didn’t know existed. In himself. In her. Between the two of them.
Bringing them to a simultaneous orgasm that catapulted him back into the land of the living.
“Don’t ever let it be said that you can’t,” he said, breathless, as he sank against the couch. “’Cause I gotta tell you, lady, you can. Oh, God, you can.”
“That was…a new thing.” Her voice sounded strangled.
He’d done it to her, too. Good.
“MOM. ABSOLUTELY DO NOT give Uncle Sam that necklace.” Sue was lying in bed Friday morning, still in her pajamas at nine-thirty.
“He’s going to contest the will, sweetie.”
Sue and Michael had been up several times during the night, though the little boy didn’t have a fever or any other obvious sign of discomfort.
“I know. And so what? He’s not going to win. He’s just making an ass of himself.” Carrie had slept through the night, as usual, but had been up at six.
“He’s my brother, Sue. I love him.”