Page 64 of A Daughter's Trust
She’d almost made it sound final. Almost.
But then, he’d be back on Wednesday, regardless of what happened between the two of them. He was visiting Carrie. And she was an employee of the agency that had custody of the child.
“I…” He ran the back of his fingers down her face, stopping short of her collarbone.
Sue turned her head, holding his hand captive between her cheek and shoulder.
“What’s going on, sweetie?” he asked. “What happened between last night and tonight?”
Babies leaving. Reminding her that everything was temporary. Because she needed it that way. Joe’s call. Rick needing Carrie. Her needing him.
“Nothing. I’m just confused about what we’re doing here. That’s all.” She released his hand, but he didn’t move it.
“I’m a little confused myself.” He rubbed his thumb along her lips. “I get the feeling that we’re not in control as much as we think we are.”
“Me, too. And I can’t have that.”
“So let’s take control. You wanted to know when and how it ends? Let’s decide.”
Had he found a way out for them? A solution? “How do you decide something like that? We’ll know each other until Christmas and then go our separate ways? Or until one of us gets bored? Or do we just say we’ll be friends until Carrie’s future is decided?”
None of the options seemed credible. Or acceptable.
“Why don’t we just let go of the outcome. We understand each other’s boundaries. Let’s abide by them.”
She had to get rid of him before she let him in any further. He was already dangerously close to trespassing on sacred ground.
“Your mother’s coming tomorrow,” Sue stated.
“I know. At seven.”
“You do?”
“Since when?”
“You knew all weekend.”
“And you didn’t say anything?”
“Did you?”
Well, no, she hadn’t. Because it hadn’t been her place. She was entrusted by the state to keep information regarding her charges confidential.
He wasn’t under any such stipulations.
“Who told you?” Had he talked to his mother and not told her?
Sue should have figured it out. Would have if she wasn’t so damned upside down on this one. She was losing control. Losing clarity.
She had to take charge here.