Page 87 of A Daughter's Trust
“Depends on what your answer’s going to be this time around.”
His voice rumbling beneath her chest was a comfort. And exciting. To be understood, fully understood, and still not be alone…
Suddenly life had possibilities. The grief wasn’t going to go away. For either of them. But neither of them would be bearing it alone….
“My answer would be no, I won’t marry you for Carrie’s sake. But if you can change your question, I might change my mind.”
Rick held her away from him, staring down at her, deadly serious. “I love you, Sue Bookman. I want you to be my wife. I want to raise our daughter, to make more babies with you, and to continue to love those children that need our love for as long as they need us. My question is, do you want what I want?”
With tears in her eyes, careful of his sore shoulder, Sue crawled up Rick’s chest until her mouth was an inch from his. “Yes, Rick. Oh, yes, I love you, too. And I want the same things you do….”
Just as their lips met, Carrie screamed for attention and woke Jake up.
“Starting now?” Sue asked, moving on his lap.
“Starting now.”
Holding hands, with a promise in their shared glance for more intimacy later that night, they moved as one to care for the children.
THE DOORBELL STARTLED them both. “Sonia,” Rick said, watching as Sue finished securing Carrie’s diaper. He picked up Jake, who’d also just been changed. “Let’s go, little man.” Settling Jake in his left arm, which bore the weight without pain, he pulled Sue up against him with the other and walked her to the door, eager to introduce her as his wife-to-be.
“We haven’t said where we’re going to be living.” Just like Sue, always thinking ahead.
“I like it out here.”
“I don’t want to have to do without you for long drives to work every day.”
“So we can live at my house.” And then he remembered something else. “I have a room I want you to help me dismantle.”
With a gentle kiss, and a look in her eyes he hadn’t dared believe he’d ever see, Sue said, “I’d be honored,” and pulled open her front door.
“Mom! Dad! I was going to call you.”
Openmouthed, Jenny gaped, saying absolutely nothing for once. Luke stared down the tall man in his daughter’s home, with an arm around her and a baby in his other arm.
“It’s about damn time.” He held out his hand.
With his own hand suddenly engulfed in a firm grip, Rick grinned and knew he’d just gained a dad. His first ever.
Which just went to show that if a man lived long enough, he could have everything.
IT WASN’T UNTIL MUCH later that night, after Sonia and Nancy had come back, joined in the festivities and left, that Sue’s parents told her the reason for their impromptu visit. The four of them had put the babies to bed and ordered pizza. Jenny had heard from Emily that Adam’s preliminary results looked good. And now they were sitting in the living room.
Jenny pulled an old familiar box out of her purse. Sue didn’t want to look at it. Didn’t want to see it anywhere but on Grandma’s dresser. She’d had enough for one day.
“I need you to keep this for me, sweetie, please,” her mom said, handing the box to Sue.
When she didn’t immediately reach for it, Rick did, holding it in both hands as he sat next to her on the couch. He was so close their thighs were touching, and for the first time in her life Sue had a glimpse of what it was going to be like to have someone share everything in life with her. And fully understood what perfect moments were all about.
She stared at the box.
“I’ve got that weak spot where your uncle Sam’s concerned,” her mother said.
“He just won’t let up on Jenny about the necklace. He calls her almost every day. Sends e-mails,” Luke added.
“Does he know you have it with you?”
“No,” Jenny said. “But he’s mentioned it several times. I’m afraid, if I keep it, I’m going to give in to him.”