Page 12 of Blow (TKO 3)
“I may drink a few beers and see if anything good is on TV.”
“Well, if we end up at the bar or something, I can call you.”
“Nah, it’s okay. Y’all have a good time.”
He raises his eyebrow in suspicion. I know he doesn’t believe me, but to be honest, I really am going to drink a few beers. I probably won’t be watching TV. Instead, I’ll be devising a plan. He grabs his keys and waves as he walks out the door. I lock the door behind him and walk straight to the refrigerator. I pop the top on one beer and nearly down it in one gulp. Cheers to a lonely night.
Chapter 6
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Austin and I are sitting in a booth at a local Italian restaurant. I’m on my second glass of wine and he’s had nothing to drink but water. This works for my main rule. I never get in the car with anyone who’s even had a sip of liquor. We just placed our order and he looks at me.
“I didn’t expect to meet someone so beautiful my first day in town.” He grins.
“Oh, please, you knew me when you were younger. I haven’t changed that much.”
“I beg to differ. So you know, I’m not the kind of guy to go on dates.”
I nearly choke on my wine. “Oh shit, sorry. Must have gone down the wrong hole.” I didn’t know this was supposed to be a date. I thought he just wanted to hang out. “What kind of guy are you, exactly?”
“Not the nice kind. I don’t do the dinner stuff usually…or ever.”
“Well, that sucks. You don’t know what you’re missing.” I really need to stop drinking soon because the filter on my mouth just doesn’t know when to stop.
“I may be figuring it out.”
“Why did you move back here, anyway? I heard you were getting in trouble.”
He gulps and adjusts himself in his seat. “I beat the shit out of a guy, put him in the hospital. He kept running his mouth and I was tired of hearing it so we met in an alley and went after it. People had money on that shit and I ended up in jail. My parents decided they’d had enough so they called and had me sent here. I’m glad they did, though. It was time for me to really get my shit together.”
My eyes widen. I knew he was getting in trouble fighting but I didn’t know it was this bad. Hell, I don’t even know if Ruston knows it’s this bad. “Well, I’m glad you’re out of there. This isn’t a bad place to be and living with Ruston will help you.”
“I think so. I’m glad I found that gym. I had found one similar back home but they said enough was enough. I think fighting that way will be a good way to help me.”
“Oh, yeah, how did that go today?” I finish my second glass of wine and when the waiter passes, I ask for a third.
“We got a stack of papers to fill out and tomorrow all the fun starts. What do you do, by the way?”
“I own a little photography business. If it can be captured on a camera, I do it.” I beam. I love talking about my work but he changes the subject as the waiter sets our food on the table.
“I’m starved.” He digs in and I just continue to drink my wine.
I have to admit, he’s good looking. I knew that last night, but for some reason tonight all I see is Ruston. Perhaps it’s because of the conversation we had before Austin came to pick me up. I know this isn’t fair to Austin. I set my wine glass down and take a bite of my alfredo. It’s delicious and practically melts in my mouth. The plate is large, and there’s no way I can finish the whole thing now so I will have to ask for a to-go container when we leave.
We talk throughout dinner and the waiter brings the check. Within minutes of paying, we stand to leave. I stop for a second, wondering why I kept drinking like I had no sense. I was classy about it at least. I didn’t let anyone inside the restaurant know I was drunk. Austin asks if I want to go grab a drink from Joe’s. He mentioned he was thirsty himself, and I politely reminded him of my rule. I yawn and tell him maybe we should call it a night.
He looks a little sad but he begins driving back to my apartment. He gives me a soft kiss on the cheek before I unbuckle my seatbelt. I reach for my to-go box and thank him again for dinner.
“Can I see you again tomorrow evening?” he asks.
I turn to face him, wondering where the harm could be in this. It wasn’t as if it would hurt anything to see him again. He seems like a really good guy. He just had a crappy past. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
He waits politely until I get inside the door and I watch out my window as he drives away. He was so sweet and I like him, but I need to clear my mind.
I turn to lock my door when there’s a soft knock on the other side. My first thought is Austin. Did he park and come back to see me one more time? I glance through the peephole and my eyes widen when I see it’s Ruston. He’s staring at the ground and my heart fucking flutters. What a damn betrayal. I open the door and watch as his gaze moves from the ground to my eyes.