Page 14 of Blow (TKO 3)
“You’re so wet. My God, I don’t think I’ll be able to handle being inside you.”
Before I can think about what I’m doing, I reach down and grab hold of his cock. Gently, I stroke it and listen as he begins to moan. He fingers me faster and I try to keep up the pace. I can hardly breathe. My heart is beating ninety to nothing. My body begins to convulse and he suddenly slides down, my hand losing grip on his cock. He plants a kiss on the inside of each of my thighs before moving his mouth to taste my sweet juices. My God, I could almost orgasm again from the feel of his lips on me.
“Ruston, I love you,” I murmur. As soon as the words come out, I realize I meant to keep it to myself.
He stops and moves up to look me in the eyes. “I love you too, Tamilyn. I’ve loved you forever. You’ve got to know that.”
“Will you show me how much you love me?”
He reaches down for his wallet and pulls out a condom. I’ve always heard a lot of guys carry a condom in their wallet but I never expected to see Ruston doing that. At least we’ve got protection because that would have halted this quickly. He tears the wrapper and slides the condom on. He slides slowly into me and my whole world stops. Nothing else matters right now but this moment. Nothing matters except for my arms wrapped around his back and him thrusting into me.
Nothing matters except our tangled bodies lying in my bed after he exploded my world for the second time tonight. Our legs stay intertwined and I have no desire to move or have him move from this spot. I yawn but I don’t want to fall asleep because now I’m scared that in the morning we’ll both deeply regret this. We are both drunk and we just crossed the mother of all lines. I gave my body, heart, and soul to him moments ago and now I know this is one dirty little secret I’ll be taking to my grave. But is it a secret that can be kept?
Chapter 7
The sun peers through the blinds and I sit up abruptly, wondering where I am. One look at Tamilyn lying naked wrapped up in her comforter brings me back to reality. I remember everything, every kiss, every touch, and I regret nothing. This has been a long time coming for me and yeah, it may have taken a little liquid courage to get me to this point but she knows how I feel, and most importantly, I know how she feels and there’s no turning back.
I glance at my phone and remember that Austin and I are supposed to be at the gym today. I haven’t even filled out the paperwork and I left it in my apartment. I reach for my jeans and slide them on. A yawn fills my ears and I turn to see Tamilyn waking up. Her eyes widen and she hurries to cover herself better.
“So this wasn’t a dream.” She brushes a strand of hair out of her face.
“No, it wasn’t. Are you okay?” Panic washes over me. She’s regretting last night, I know she is. Dammit.
“I’m fine, Rus, that was just…wow. I don’t even know what to say. Oh, where’s my shirt?”
I stand and walk to her dresser, pulling out the first t-shirt I see. I toss it to her and excuse myself to the bathroom. When I walk back out, she’s standing and stretching in nothing but a t-shirt and a pair of panties.
“Do you really have to do that?” I ask her. My cock is growing hard just watching the sides of her shirt ride up.
“I’m just stretching, you perv.” She casually walks over to me and wraps her arms around my neck. “This doesn’t change anything, right? I don’t want you to start avoiding me or shut me out if this ends up feeling awkward.”
“I could never shut you out, Tammy Lou. Nothing changes. I’m still me and you’re still you. We’re the same people we were before. Don’t worry.” I press a soft kiss on her nose. “I’ve got to go, though. I’ve got to go home to change and meet Austin at the gym. Do you have any plans this evening?”
She lets her head hang slightly and rests it on my chest. She hasn’t said anything yet but I’m not sure if I like where this is potentially heading. “I, uh…already told Austin I’d see him again tonight, but that was before any of this happened.”
“I understand.” A lump forms in my throat. I should have known but I was too wrapped up in finally getting to be with her that I didn’t ask any bullshit questions like that. “Well, text me later or something, okay?”
“I will. I have a photo session today for a couple, but when I’m done, I will. I’m sorry, Ruston. I feel like I just ruined everything.”
“What he doesn’t know won’t kill him,” I tell her confidently. I’ll just have to watch myself around him today and not like anything slip out about where I really was. I know I’d be pissed if the roles were reversed but I can play this game. He can’t just waltz into town and try to take what I want more than anything in this world.
I pull up to the gym and notice Austin is already here. Damn, he didn’t even text me this morning but then I didn’t try to contact him, either. I grab the papers Howard handed me yesterday and grudgingly walk inside. I spot Austin back at the weight benches with Lance. Just thinking about him seeing Tamilyn again this evening makes my stomach turn, but then I remember I have something he doesn’t have—her heart.
“Hey man, I was wondering if you were coming back.” I turn to see Garrett walking toward me. I think I’ll like him. He seems really down to earth.
“Yeah, I was just running a little behind this morning. I, uh…have my papers.”
“Howard’s in the office. You can drop them inside and then meet me back out here.”
I nod and turn to walk toward the small office. Howard’s eyes light up when he sees me and he reaches out for the papers in my hand. My phone vibrates and I notice a text from my dad. Oh shit, I’m supposed to be at the office with him today.
“Good to see you back,” Howard says. “I’m guessing you’ve already talked to Garrett?”
“Yes, sir. I’m supposed to meet him on the mat.”