Page 25 of Blow (TKO 3)
I’m a little down this morning because I haven’t heard from Tamilyn since last night. I know she had dinner with her family and I hoped she’d invite me but she didn’t. I ended up hanging out with Lance and his very pregnant girlfriend Hilary. She made tacos and we all sat around laughing and talking. I’m glad I’ve made friends so I don’t have to bother Ruston all the time. I know he won’t mind, but it’s important to me to be able to start a fresh life without getting into trouble and a life with my own friends.
I’m proud of myself, which reminds me that I need to call my mom. I hope she’s proud. I put her through hell back home, fighting like I was some sort of thug raised on the street when I was raised much better than that. My family is great. They gave me everything I could ever want or need and then I repaid them by being a little shit. They received more phone calls from the cops than they ever should have because I was hanging around the wrong people. I’m in the process of completing the changes I started back home. I’m doing things better for me, and I love it.
I shoot Tamilyn a text before I leave the driveway to head to Lou’s. The whole way there, I can’t help but wonder if she’s replied yet. The first thing I do as I park my car is check my phone, and still nothing. Maybe she’s doing a photo shoot, but I swear she said it was this afternoon. Oh well, I’ll just check my phone in between practicing. I notice Ruston’s truck parked a few spots down. I’ll just ask him if everything is okay with her. Seeing as how they are best friends, maybe he’s heard from her.
I walk inside the gym and head straight for an empty locker to get rid of my phone and keys. Ruston’s voice fills my ears and I turn to listen for where he is. The voice is coming from Howard’s office. I lean in closely to eavesdrop, hoping no one notices.
“I really appreciate everything you did to let me join, but I just don’t think this is where I need to be right now. I work at my dad’s office and I just need to be there more. I hope you understand,” Ruston explains.
I almost barge into the office to ask him what the hell is going on but I continue to stand there listening.
“You can still come in and train anytime you want, Ruston. I appreciate
you coming to me like this. I like you, and I hate to lose you, but I understand.” Howard’s voice fills the space.
“Thank you, I just think I need to step back right now. I joined without fully thinking it through and I’m sorry for wasting your time.”
Howard speaks again and the room goes silent. Footsteps emerge and I move quickly to walk toward the punching bags so no one can figure out what I was just doing. I glance toward Ruston as he walks out of the office. I’m waiting for him to turn and look at me but he walks straight out the front door without a single glance back. What the fuck is going on?
“You were eavesdropping, weren’t you?” Lance says from nowhere.
I jump out of my skin, turning to face him. “Maybe. I didn’t know he was quitting for real.”
“This isn’t for everyone, man. Only us sick twisted fuckers can really hang.” He grins.
I laugh as I bring myself into stance to wail away on the punching bag in front of me. I realize I don’t have my gloves so I excuse myself to run out to my car. Maybe Ruston will still be in the parking lot and I can get him to talk to me. I grab my keys and run toward the front door. I step into the blinding sun and look to where his truck was parked just moments earlier but he’s gone. Fuck. I sigh as I unlock my car. My gloves are sitting right there on the passenger seat. I was so worried about Tamilyn that I never grabbed them. I need to get my head on straight.
I toss my keys back inside the locker. Lance is still standing beside the punching bag. “I figure I’ll watch you for a little and then you can spot me on the weight bench.” He slumps against the wall.
“Sounds good, man. Thanks for having me over last night.” I bring myself back into stance and begin throwing punches at the black bag in front of me. Little beads of sweat form along my forehead as I continue to pound away. I need this form of therapy today and it’s working. When I finally step away from the bag, I feel like a huge weight just lifted off me.
Lance is still slumped against the wall, grinning at me. I raise my eyebrow waiting for him to speak. I’ve been around him long enough to know he has no filter.
“You done? I thought you were going to pummel that shit until it was dead. Little punching bag, did he hurt you?” He laughs as he walks over to touch the bag.
Rolling my eyes, I head for the weight benches so Lance can lift. He can spot me after. My adrenaline is pumping and I’m ready to go.
Lance saunters over and gets the weights situated where he wants them. I stand behind him, helping to lower the bar when Howard walks over to me. “Hey, Austin, can I talk to you for a second?”
“Yes, sir.” I place the bar back and give him my full attention.
“I was sorry to see Ruston go. But that’s not what I wanted to talk to you about. Are you ready to step inside the ring?”
My eyes light up. I’ve been waiting for this moment, hoping it was going to pop up, and here it is. “Hell yeah! I mean, I am. Do you think I could be ready?”
“It’s okay.” Howard laughs. “That’s good you’re excited. You’re in the same class Garrett is in, and he’s taking a few more days to stay home with Raegan and the baby so I figured you could take his place and get a feel for why you’re here. I know you’ve had some prior training and you’ve been doing well here so far.”
“I’m ready. When is the fight?”
“At the end of the week. Let’s get you sparring. Lance can do that with you. I want you focusing on your footwork and keeping your hands where you need to. Practice your throws, kicks, everything. You need to make sure you’re fully prepared. I don’t want you to get in there and be surprised because this is nothing like the streets. If you try anything like that in the ring, you’ll be disqualified. Just keep in mind the training you learned back home, and what you’ve learned here, and you’ll be fine.”
“I won’t do anything crazy. You ready, Lance?” I know he wanted to lift weights but I’m so pumped to start sparring.
“I’m always ready.” He grins as he sits up.
I’m still wearing my shirt so I take it off and set it inside the locker where my phone and keys are. I grab my phone quickly to see if Tamilyn has texted me, but still nothing. I shoot her another text asking if she’s okay before I shut the locker door.
Howard stands off to the side of the mats and watches as Lance and I get into stance. My hands are up and I’m watching Lance intently, wondering if he’s going to make the first move, but all we do is shuffle around and I take that as my cue to throw my first hook. He blocks it immediately and Howard calls out, “Be prepared. You have to be a little quicker than that. Your opponent may have been able to sneak a hit on you. Don’t be caught off guard.”