Page 3 of Blow (TKO 3)
Saying I love you back to her just seems wrong. I guess it’s because the love I have for her is completely different from the friendship love she feels for me. Instead, I gently squeeze her hand and drive back to her apartment.
“Want to come in and watch a movie?” she asks innocently.
“Sure thing.” I turn the truck off. I don’t even ask what she plans on watching. Truth is, I don’t care.
The rest of the night can go to shit but right now, this moment can stay cemented forever. The movie is on but Tamilyn rests her head on my shoulder and from there she begins lightly snoring as her head reaches my lap. I sigh as I run my fingers softly through her hair. The movie isn’t even halfway over and she’s passed out. I reach for the remote control and turn the television off, letting the dark consume us. I slide out from under her and carry her to her bed. She opens her eyes slightly and smiles. “Thank you, Rus.”
“You’re welcome. Get some rest.”
“Want to sleep here?” She yawns. I know I should probably say no, but I say yes knowing that with Austin coming to stay, nights like this may cease to exist. I climb into her bed fully clothed.
My arm snakes around her waist and it doesn’t take long before my breathing matches hers. Exhaustion hit me and I didn’t even realize I was this tired. When I wake, my arm is still in the same position which must mean I slept better than I have in a long time.
Chapter 2
The sound of the faucet running in the bathroom reminds me Ruston is still here. I remember asking him to stay the night. It’s not uncommon for us. I mean, we are best friends. We’ve been that way since the days of drool and soggy diapers. I honestly don’t know what I would do without him in my life. I climb out of bed and stare down at the same clothes I had on yesterday. I was so tired, I passed out before the movie was over and I never bothered to get up and change. Before he can exit the bathroom, I hurry and change into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. I know we’ve seen each other in all kinds of scenarios having grown up together, but I’m always respectful of myself and Ruston when it comes to changing. I know we’re adults, but we’re human and the human mind has its own way of thinking when it comes to the opposite sex. I can’t lie and say I’ve never snuck a peek at his bare stomach when his shirt has crept up just a little. He’s extremely attractive. His green eyes are always sparkling and when he smiles, his dimple forms just right. Any girl would be lucky to have him but he doesn’t date. I don’t know that I’d be able to share him if I had to.
My thoughts evaporate into the air as the door opens. Ruston walks out and smiles. “You finally decided to wake up?”
“Yeah, I guess I did. Sorry I fell asleep so quick last night. I didn’t realize how tired I was.”
“It’s okay. Shit happens, Tam. I’m glad we hung out. You’re my favorite girl.” He winks.
“I doubt that. You’ve seen all my embarrassing moments.”
“And you’ve seen mine, so your point is?”
“I have no point. You’re right. Want some breakfast or something? I have waffles, toast, Pop Tarts…” I could rattle on a few more things but he cuts me off.
“Pop Tarts sound amazing. You have s’mores, right?”
“It’s the only kind I eat, so what else would I have?” I brush past him on my way out of the room. My arm brushes against his and I stop. The weirdest tingle just moved throughout my body and I’m not used to that. I look at him to see if maybe he felt it too but he says nothing so I shake my head, trying not to laugh at myself as I disappear into the kitchen.
I open the pantry where I keep my food and fumble for the box of Pop Tarts. The box slips from my grasp and falls to the floor. What a klutz. Ruston’s laugh fills the air and he reaches down to grab them for me.
“Thanks,” I mumble.
“You’re welcome, Tam.” He pulls out two packs of Pop Tarts and brings them to my toaster. Two by two, he heats them up and places them on two paper towels. “I’ll pour the milk, butterfingers. I’d hate to have to laugh at you mopping milk off the floor.”
“You’re an asshole.” I laugh as he reaches for two glasses in the cabinet. Yep, his shirt just crept up a little and I glance to see the little bit of skin that shows. I break my gaze away before he turns around. I’ve never been caught. That could end up being awkward. I plop myself down in a chair at the table and wait patiently for him to serve breakfast.
“Here you go. Can you feed yourself or do you need me to do that for you too?” He bites into his Pop Tart.
“I am fully capable, thank you.” Rolling my eyes, I take a big bite and chew it slowly. I glance at the clock to check the time. I need to get going soon. I told my mom I’d go cut their grass. I’m off work again today for which I’m grateful. I’ve been working a lot and I need this break. “I hate to cut this short but I told my parents I’d cut their grass while they were gone. I want to get it done before it gets too hot outside.”
“Do you need some help? I can help, you know. I don’t have anything going on.”
“You sure? You don’t have to work today?”
“Nope. I’m off just like you. How cool is that?”
I laugh as I finish drinking my milk. “Cool, I guess.”
“You want my help or not?”
“Sure. When’s your cousin coming?” I ask out of curiosity. I wonder if I’d even recognize him.