Page 32 of Blow (TKO 3)
I walk in the apartment and toss my keys on the table. After lunch, I spent the rest of my day roaming mindlessly around the office, waiting to go home. My mind isn’t where it needs to be. I think I’ll just order a pizza and drink a couple of beers before going to bed and starting all over again tomorrow.
“Hey, man, long time no see.” I snap out of my thoughts and notice Austin sitting on the couch. He stands and walks towards the kitchen. I didn’t realize his car was even parked out front.
“Oh, hey. What’s up?” I need that beer now. I grab one, pop the top, and take a long chug.
“I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever. Everything good? It’s almost like you’re avoiding me since you quit the gym. I don’t want to cause any issues.” I turn to face him and he’s leaning against the counter watching me intently.
Pick your words carefully, Rus. You don’t want to scare him off or let him know anything has been up.
“Yeah, man, I’ve just been busy at the office with Dad. I know you’ve been training a lot and hanging with Tam. How’s that been going?”
His eyes light up and I take another long sip of beer. “I’ve got a fight Friday. You should come check it out. Tamilyn is going to be there to take photos, so y’all can hang together during everything. Howard thinks I’m ready. Hell, I know I’m ready. It was supposed to be Garrett’s fight but he’s taking a little extra time with the new baby.”
I hesitate before I answer him. In fact, I finish the beer in hand and reach for another one. Getting to be around Tamilyn is the plus of the situation but at the same time, I have to admit to myself it would be pretty cool to see Austin in his very first match. “I’ll be there. Just let me know what time.”
“Fuck yeah, maybe we can all go to Joe’s after. That is, if I don’t get my ass kicked too hard.” He chuckles.
For a moment, I’m able to forget that he’s taken my best friend from me. It’s just me and my cousin and that’s how I was hoping it would be. I let my guard down and grab another beer out of the refrigerator for him. “I was thinking about ordering pizza or something, you want in?”
“Yeah, I’ll split the cost with you. Tamilyn and I ordered these amazing Philly cheesesteaks last night. Shit, you guys have great food around here.”
“Tamilyn ate Philly cheesesteak?” I raise my eyebrow. I could never get her to try that.
“Yeah, she liked it too. Man, you should have seen the pictures she took of Lance’s fight. They were fucking epic. I hope she gets some good shots Friday.”
“She’s a damn good photographer. I can’t wait to see what she gets.” I grab my phone to order the pizza. I tell Austin he doesn’t have to worry about paying.
“It’s good to have a little guy time, you know,” he says. “I like being around Tamilyn, but you’re my family and without you I wouldn’t get to be here right now.” Oh hell, he’s getting all sentimental on me.
I nod and sip my beer before replying. “That’s what family is for, man. We help each other out. I’m glad you’re here.” Okay, I don’t know exactly how glad I am that he’s here, but he doesn’t need to know that.
“Is everything okay with you and Tamilyn?” he asks out of nowhere. My head snaps in his direction, wondering if he knows something he isn’t telling me. Did she slip up and tell him something?
“What do you mean?” I raise my eyebrow.
“It seems you two don’t talk much anymore. That doesn’t have anything to do with me, does it? I swear I didn’t mean to drive you two apart or make anything awkward.”
Yes, I think to myself. “No, we’re just so busy right now. We still talk.” I lie to him. I don’t like where this conversation is going. The wrong question could slip up confessions that I want to keep buried. I don’t want to hurt my cousin in any way.
“I just wanted to make sure.” He takes a sip of his beer and I’m praying the conversation changes. Better yet, the pizza guy knocks on the door and every prayer I had was answered.
I silently thank God as I walk to the door to grab our food. Austin and I eat and talk but not about Tamilyn anymore. We talk about our childhood and memories we made along the way. He even opens up a little bit about how screwed up his life was before he moved in with me. He’s changed a lot for the better, and I have to applaud him for that. He’s trying to improve himself and I’m proud of him. Even worse, I’m ashamed with myself for keeping things from him. I should be honest. Maybe he would understand. But if he doesn’t, things will unravel. I don’t need that right now, so I bury my secrets deeper, eat my pizza and drink my beer.
Chapter 20
Friday. I can’t believe it’s finally Friday. I’ve been waiting all damn week and it’s here. Today is the day I step into the ring for the first time and show everyone what I’m made of. I just need to get through the next few hours. I’m at Lou’s sitting on the cushiony mat waiting on Lance to get here, thinking about how surreal all of this is.
“Hey, Austin, you okay? You aren’t having second thoughts are you?” Howard towers over me before squatting down to my level.
“Not at all, I’m more than confident. It’s just a little unreal right now that this is happening to me. I’m excited, actually.”
“Well, I wouldn’t have asked you to do this if I didn’t think you were ready. It’s going to be completely different in there than it is inside this gym. I know when y’all spar, you’re being serious, but tonight is going to be cutthroat. Your opponent will have no mercy on you and I don’t want you to have mercy on him. For just that brief time inside the ring, he will be your enemy. If you happen to get nervous, don’t let him see that. I’ll remind you of all of this tonight before you walk down for your fight, but I just wanted to pep you up a little now. When Lance gets here, just take it easy. No horsing around. The last thing we need is either one of you to get hurt before your fights.”
“Yes, sir.” I nod. I take his words in and replay them through my mind. I’ll need to remember to stay focused throughout the evening and I have no doubt that I can do it.
“Oh, come see. I put a few of those photos up in the office.” He stands to his feet and I jump up to follow him. As soon as I step inside the office, I see them. He lined them up strategically on the wall.