Page 34 of Blow (TKO 3)
“Hey, man, have you see Ruston and Tamilyn?”
“Look at the man of the hour! You kicked ass out there. Tell me that was not the most amazing feeling in the world?” He grins from ear to ear.
“It was pretty fucking epic. I’m on a high. I know that shit.” I grin.
“I told you! We’re about to head out but I think I saw them walk outside. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Thanks man. See you tomorrow.” I wave to Hilary and walk toward the back door.
I step into the night air and glance up at the stars. I thank God for my victory as I walk into the parking lot. I don’t see them, but I see Ruston’s truck. I keep walking closer as I reach into my duffle bag for my cell phone. They have to be somewhere around here, or maybe Lance thought he saw them walk outside, and they’re really still inside. I’m about to text Tamilyn when I glance up and see two people straight ahead. Their arms are wrapped around each other and their lips locked together. I mutter for them to get a room, but as I inch closer, my heart sinks in my chest. I can’t believe what I’m seeing.
It’s Tamilyn and Ruston wrapped up in a hot and heavy make-out session. As badly as I want to go demand to know what the fuck is going on, I divert my path and walk back inside. I glance back one more time to see if they’ve even noticed me, but they’re so involved in each other. Suddenly things are beginning to become a little clearer to me. This explains so much that I never wanted to see. How could I think she actually liked me when it’s been Ruston all along? I’m livid, fuming at what I just saw. I can’t get this out of my mind but I’m going to push it back for right now and wait to see if either one of them will come out and admit what’s been going on.
Chapter 21
I could only imagine the adrenaline pumping through Austin’s veins during the fight. Hell, it felt like I was in the ring at times fighting his fight. I was damn near close as I snapped photo after photo. The sweat that poured from their faces splattered against my forearm as I got as close as I possibly could. For my safety, Ruston never left me, and I could feel the attraction to him radiating through my body. My damn body has the nerve to betray me right now. Of all times, it has to do it now. I ignore the pulsating feeling and focus on what I’m here to do.
When Austin’s arm is raised in victory, an excited scream escapes my mouth along with the rest of the crowd. He won his first fight. He must be exhilarated. People begin moving out of the way and Ruston pulls my arm to follow the big burly man who stood beside the ring calling out tips to Austin the entire fight. Once we’re out of the crowd, I can breathe. There are so many people trying to move around that I almost become claustrophobic. I tuck my camera into the bag and look around for Austin. I notice he’s just getting out of the ring so I keep walking toward the back door. I’ll just wait here for him.
“Damn, I can’t believe he won. That was great,” Ruston says as we come to a stop. I look over my shoulder but I’ve lost sight of Austin.
“I know. I got some really great shots too. I can’t wait to see how they turned out. I think he’ll be very impressed.” I’m trying to keep myself excited about this, when all I can think about is Ruston standing a few mere inches away from me. I feel like I’m living in a damn Lifetime movie.
“Why don’t we go wait outside for him? Maybe we can talk or something,” he suggests. I raise my eyebrow, wondering just what he has up his sleeve. Why can’t we just talk in here? My heart says one thing but my body completely betrays me. I nod and he pushes the door open. The warm night air hits me in the face at the same time the butterflies begin somersaulting around in my stomach. It’s just a walk outside. What could go wrong?
We stop at his truck and I draw in a deep breath. When did I get so nervous around him? Oh wait, I know, when we decided to act on our feelings toward one another when I had feelings for his cousin.
“I, I don’t know if I can do this,” I admit.
He cocks his head to the side and just grins at me. I hate him and his grin for the way it makes my body betray me. “What can’t you do, Tam? Walk outside? Do you need Austin’s permission?”
What a smartass. I roll my eyes before glaring at him. Of course he has something stupid to say. I expected nothing less. “Ruston, don’t play games with me. You know what I’m talking about.”
He reaches out and grabs my hand. My flesh tingles at his touch. I’m a puddle of goo around him and I hate that I can’t control myself. “I know you want me, Tamilyn. I want you so damn bad. We could be so great to
gether. I could wake up every day to you and never worry about having a bad day. We’re meant to be together, Tammy Lou, and you know it.” He lets go of my hand and places it over my heart. “You know you feel it right here. It beats for me just like mine beats for you. I could never love anyone else the way I love you.”
“You can’t say things like that, Ruston.” My lip begins to quiver and my voice falters.
“Say what? The truth?”
He leans in and softly kisses my lips. I know I should push him away and tell him this isn’t right but I want the kiss so badly. I almost forgot just how tantalizing his kiss is. I almost forgot how much I need this drug. My arms wrap around his neck and his drop to my waist. I’m so engulfed in the kiss that my mind escapes me and I forget where we are. In this moment, I don’t care who walks out here. As he breaks the kiss, he sighs. I take a moment to open my eyes. I suppose I’m coming down from my high. Ruston clears his throat and I wait for him to speak but he just smiles and so do I.
“He can’t know about this,” I begin.
“Shh, it’ll just be another one of our little secrets,” Ruston assures me. I love him for this but the guilt still weighs heavily in the back of my mind. He opens his truck door and I climb in. It feels so good to sit while we wait for Austin.
I look around the dimly lit parking lot and make out a figure coming our way. I squint trying to see if it’s him when the figure waves. I jump out of the truck and hear Ruston sigh again but I don’t turn back. Seeing the look on his face would crush me. “Hey! Your fight was awesome, I’m so proud of you!”
“Yeah, it was pretty damn awesome.” He answers with a dull tone to his voice. I look at him a little strangely, but then I remember he did just get done fighting so he’s got to be tired.
Ruston congratulates him and he gets the same dull tone I just received. “Are we still going to Joe’s?” I ask, cheerfully trying to lighten his spirits.
“You two can go ahead if you want. I’m a little more tired than I thought I would be.” He adjusts his duffle bag on his shoulder and turns to walk away. He looks back one last time before disappearing in the parking lot. “I’ll talk to you later, Tam. Thanks for coming, guys.”
“Wait, I didn’t get to tell you about the pictures,” I call out.