Page 36 of Blow (TKO 3)
I’m feeling great. Not as sore as I thought I would be.
So you’ll be at
the barbeque later?
I’ll be there, don’t worry.
Are you sure you’re okay? You weren’t yourself last night.
I’m just being myself. It’s who I am, if you don’t like it no one is asking you to stay.
I stare at his words in disbelief. Where is this coming from?
You don’t have to be so rude Austin. I was just checking on you.
I’m sorry. I’m fine, I promise. I’ll see you tonight.
I finish getting dressed and fix my hair. I remind myself that I won’t be coming home tonight. Once I start drinking this evening, I’ll just sleep in my old room at Mom and Dad’s. I grab my bag and pack it with everything I need. I turn off every light on my way out and lock the door behind me. This barbeque is always interesting. I wonder just how interesting it will be this year.
Chapter 22
I pull into my apartment complex still wearing a grin on my face. I think Tamilyn may finally be coming around. Last night, I wanted to be inside of her. I wanted to make love to my beautiful Tamilyn, but neither one of us initiated it. Instead, we fell asleep together and like I told her, it was the best damn sleep of my life.
Austin’s car is parked in its normal spot. I’ve rehearsed my fake story over and over in my head the entire drive home. I’ll keep our little secret as long as I have to. I pull my keys from the ignition and walk toward the front door. It’s unlocked so I walk right in and find Austin eating a sandwich at the table.
“Hey, man, what’s up?” I toss my keys on the table.
He looks up from his sandwich and nods as he chews the bite he just took. After he swallows, he replies, “Hey, where’d you go last night?”
Here goes nothing. I suck in a quick breath. “I brought Tamilyn home and went to Joe’s. I met this girl there and we hit it off. I went back to her place. I thought I was going to make it home but, well, you know how that goes.”
Austin starts laughing. He actually bought the story. “Look at you, getting your dick wet. I’m proud of you. What was her name?”
“You think I found that out?” I joke. “Actually, she had told me but I forgot. All that mattered was she was screaming my name.”
“That’s my boy. So, Tamilyn texted and asked me if I was going to the barbeque. You think I could just ride with you?”
“Yeah, man, of course. Bring a change of clothes or something. Usually, once everyone starts drinking, we all just crash there. It’s a big party.”
“I love parties. What time does it start?”
“Not for a few more hours, but I have to help Mom and Dad get some things together in a few, so if you’re ready, you can help out.”
He finishes his sandwich and cleans off his plate. “Let me grab a change of clothes and I’ll be ready.”
“Okay, I’m going to jump in the shower real quick and wash last night off me.”
He just grins and walks to his room. Truth is, I don’t want to wash last night off me but if this story is going to be believable, I have to.
I hurry and take a quick shower, then head to my room to get dressed and pack my bag. I toss things haphazardly into the bag and zip it up. I walk to the kitchen to find Austin waiting for me. My phone dings and I see a message from Tamilyn. My heart stops and I hurry to read it.
He says he’s coming.
I know, I talked to him. He bought the story by the way.