Page 42 of Blow (TKO 3)
I step out of the bathroom and head downstairs. Everyone is still outside. I notice Austin with Lance and Garrett, and I hold my breath as I step back into the warm evening air. Tamilyn is standing by her dad drinking a beer. I don’t walk over to her because I’m not trying to make things awkward. Instead, I join Austin. He doesn’t notice me at first. I can breathe a little easier. Maybe he hasn’t tried looking for me yet.
“Hey, man, did you find that bottle of Fireball?”
He turns to face me with pressed lips. “Yeah, it’s on the table over there. They had two different size bottles. I grabbed the smaller one.”
“Thanks, you’re a lifesaver. I meant to grab some earlier.”
“No sweat.” He turns away from me and begins talking to Lance again. He doesn’t talk long before he turns back to me and grabs my arm. “We need to fucking talk now.”
“Everything okay?” I ask him. All eyes are suddenly on us and I’m a little confused. I know Tamilyn hasn’t said anything to him.
“You’re about to tell me.” He drags me inside and doesn’t stop until we reach the front door. I turn back, catching Tamilyn’s gaze. Her face is pale as she quickly follows, along with Garrett and Lance. Looks like a damn show and I don’t even know what’s about to happen.
We’re standing outside on the front lawn and his face turns crimson as he glares at me.
Garrett suddenly steps in and says, “Austin, you need to chill, man. Is this worth it?”
Austin turns his glare at him before spitting out, “Don’t fucking tell me what I need to do. This is between me, my cousin…and her.” He points at Tamilyn.
“Dude, maybe you need to listen to Garrett. Do you really want to cause a scene here?” Lance says.
Austin steps up to him and Lance backs down. “Oh, that’s right, you don’t fight outside of the gym.” Austin’s laugh sounds wicked. “You may want to back away from me then, because I’d hate to cost you your career.”
“Quit being a dick and tell me what you dragged me out here for,” I demand.
“Since you want to mention dicks, why don’t we ask Tamilyn? Tell me why you wouldn’t think of sleeping with me? Was it because you were too busy jumping all over Ruston’s dick?”
She gasps, and I see tears forming in her eyes. “Leave her out of this, Austin,” I yell at him.
He steps to me and thrusts his finger in my face. “I fucking saw you fucking her. I got back from the store and went to look for one of you. What a fucking surprise to see you slamming your dick into her. I know your fucking plan. I knew something was going on the other night after the fight when your tongues were down each other’s throats.” He turns to Tamilyn and points at her. “You played me for a fucking fool. You’re nothing but a whore.”
Tears stream down her face. I step up to him and push him back. “You’re crossing the line, Austin. You need to step back.”
He pushes me back with full force but I hold my ground and don’t fall. Garrett steps up and pushes us apart. “You two need to calm down and settle this like men. Fighting isn’t going to do anything. You’re upsetting her too. Think about that.”
Poor Tamilyn. She didn’t ask for this. Austin glares and steps back with his hands up in surrender. “I just want to know why?” He directs his question at her. “Why?”
“I-I never meant to hurt you,” she says quietly.
“Well, you fucking did. I thought you liked me but you’ve been fucking around with my cousin.”
“I’m sorry, but I-I love him.”
“Then why did you cart me around like an idiot? I’m fucking done.”
Austin turns and begins walking towards my truck. “Where are you going?” I call after him.
“Back to the apartment to pack my shit.”
“Give me my keys back, Austin.”
“Your fuck buddy can bring you over to get your truck, can’t she?”
“Austin, stop,” Tamilyn begs.
“Sweetie, you don’t get to tell me shit. I get it now. The nights he claimed to have gone home with a girl from the bar, he was with you. I was a fucking idiot. You’re probably not good in bed, anyway.”