Page 47 of Blow (TKO 3)
I weakly smile back and turn to face Ruston. “I’ll talk to you later, okay?”
“I’ll go with you, if that’s all right. I’ve seen him and I doubt much will change. I’ll just come back up here tomorrow.”
Mom nods, letting us know that’s fine, and he hugs his mom and dad. He turns to look at Moira and walks away. I knew it was going to be hard to see Austin’s mom, but I never expected her to say the things she did, or slap me. I know I deserve a lot of things for what happened, and I have to live with that. I just hope Moira wasn’t right. I don’t want to be haunted by this for the rest of my life. I want Austin to be able to forgive, and I want everyone to go on with their lives.
Dad pulls back into the driveway and invites Ruston inside. Ruston yawns and asks if I can just bring him back to his apartment. I run inside to grab my car keys and hug my mom and dad. They’ve been more than great through all of this. If they think poorly of me, they aren’t letting it show, and I love them for that.
I start the engine and wait for Ruston to put his seatbelt on. Numbly, I drive him to his apartment. Neither of us says a word during the drive. I park and wait for him to get out, but he just sits there. “Do you want to come inside for a little bit?”
“I guess.” I turn the car off. He leads us in and turns the light on. It’s weird to be in here knowing Austin lived here.
“I’m so sorry for what Aunt Moira did to you. Are you okay?” Ruston asks softly. He stares at my cheek and frowns. “She left a handprint.”
“I guess I deserved it. According to her and Austin, I’m nothing more than a whore. No one blames you. It’s all my fault. I don’t think I can ever face him again. I doubt she would let me anywhere near him.”
“I don’t care what she says. You can come with me tomorrow and see him. She can’t stop you.”
“No, I think it’s best I don’t. I don’t want to cause any more issues than I already have.” I stand firmly. I hate this decision I’m making, but it’s for the best. Moira looked at me as if I were toxic, and I doubt she wants to see my face again.
“You’re being selfish. If it were you in that hospital bed, Austin would go see you.” Ruston pours himself a glass of water.
“I’m not being selfish. I’m just telling the truth.”
“No, you’re making this all about you when he’s lying in that hospital bed.” He points his finger at me. I nearly come out of my skin; I’m so angry with him right now.
“It’s because of me that he’s lying in that bed! It’s because of decisions I made.” I grab at my chest and cling to my shirt. “It’s my fault. I’m not stepping foot inside that hospital. You can tell him I was there the first day.”
“I’m not telling him anything. You can tell him yourself when you decide to stop being so selfish.”
“Whatever. I’m going home.” I grab my keys off the counter and walk out the door without looking back. I don’t even sit in my car for a minute. I start it right up and back out, leaving him behind. If the roles were reversed, maybe he would be able to understand.
Chapter 30
I couldn’t sleep worth shit last night. Tamilyn left upset and wouldn’t answer any of my calls or texts. Mom called to check on me last night and I told her about the fight Tamilyn and I had. She told me to give it time, so I guess I will. I drag myself out of bed and take a shower. I told Mom to pick me up and bring me with her to the hospital this morning. Austin is still in ICU but I heard he woke up sometime late last night. I’m sure he was relieved to see his parents beside him.
I step out of the shower and throw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and wait for Mom. My phone rings and I hope it’s Tamilyn, but it’s just my insurance company. They’re trying to iron out all the details. I need a vehicle. Not having one has truly sucked these past few days. Without my mom, I’d be up a damn creek. The thought crosses my mind to try to text Tamilyn one more time to see if she’s changed her mind, but she was pretty damn adamant last night. She’s playing the blame game when none of that should matter right now. He’s alive, and that’s more than enough to be thankful for.
Moments later, my mom calls and tells me she’s turning into my complex. I grab my wallet and keys and step outside just in time.
“Where’s Dad?” I ask as my seatbelt clicks into place.
“He had to take care of something at the office. He didn’t want to bother you with it. He knows you have a lot on your plate right now.” She pulls out onto the street and we begin heading toward the hospital. “Oh, Moira called this morning. Austin has been moved to a regular room.”
“How’d he take the news?”
“Not too well. It’s probably best we weren’t there for that. He’s a little calmer today, Moira told me.”
“I hope seeing me doesn’t upset him.” I stare out the window at the other cars. The last thing I want to do is piss him off.
“Actually, he asked about you. He wants to apologize for your truck,” Mom tells me as we arrive at the hospital.
She parks the car and I stay put as she opens her door. Turning to face me, she raises her eyebrow. “I don’t care about the truck, Mom.” I decide to pull myself out of the car.
“I know you don’t. That truck can and will be replaced. His life can’t.”