Page 56 of Blow (TKO 3)
He laughs, handing me a bottle of water. “Really? Talking with your mouth full?”
I just smile and wink while I finish chewing. I swallow and take a big sip of water. “You act like you don’t know me. You’ve only known me your entire life.”
We eat our sandwiches in silence and once we’re done, he grabs the grapes out of the ice chest and sets them between us. I lie on my side on the blanket with Ruston right beside me. He smirks as he grabs a grape and moves it towards my lips. My lips part, letting him place the grape on my tongue. The coolness of the grape chills my mouth and I moan. These are so good.
“I think I’m keeping you,” I tell him as he feeds me another grape.
“I hope you do.”
“It’s only you, Ruston, I swear. This is our beginning.”
Our fingers lace together as we lie on the blanket in the warm sun. I could stay here for the rest of the day and be perfectly okay. When I was younger, I would think about the potentially different paths in life that Ruston and I could take. I used to wonder if I’d have to watch him be with another girl. Now, I know I don’t have to deal with any of that because I have him. When I decided to hang out with Austin, I never thought about what seeing me with another guy would do to Ruston. I guess I was selfish in that sense too. Life is funny that way. I guess when you’re meant to be with someone, the planets have their way of aligning it for you. I fought that for some reason, trying to figure things out, when all along Ruston was the only one I wanted.
It’s been a month since the accident. Good days and bad days come, but that’s to be expected. My doctor had to prescribe something to help me sleep because I kept having nightmares about the accident. It’s eerie how real my prosthetic arm looks compared to my left arm. I’m beginning to get the hang of having it on. I’m not comfortable with driving yet. That’s not something I want to do for a while, so I’m sitting on the couch waiting for Ruston to take me to Lou’s.
Howard and the guys came and saw me the same day Tamilyn and Ruston brought me the photos. They all arrived at the same time, so Tamilyn gave the duplicates to Howard. That day, everything they said made me cry. My emotions were raw. Howard asked me if I’d like to work for him and help train, which sent more tears streaming down my face.
I couldn’t answer him but he already knew what the answer was. Lou’s helped me start my new life for the little bit that I trained there. Those guys became my family and it crushed me to think that because of my accident, I might never be able to return. Howard told me to wait until I got released from the hospital to see how I was feeling before I made any decisions, but my choice was already made. Lou’s is my second home and
there’s no way in hell I wouldn’t take his offer. Today is my first day, and I’m pumped to go back.
Ruston walks out of the bathroom whistling. Since he and Tamilyn don’t have to hide anymore, things are going great between the two of them. So great that it makes me want to barf, but I don’t tell them that. I let them be happy because I know my happiness will come.
“I’m ready when you are.” I toss the keys at him.
“I’m ready. I promise. We’ll be finishing up about the same time this afternoon, right?” he asks. He’s got to go to his dad’s office this morning. I feel like I’ve gone back in time and I’m getting a ride from my own father. It’s kind of hilarious to me.
“Yes, Dad,” I joke. “If something changes and I get a ride home from Garrett or Howard, I’ll let you know.”
“Oh, yeah, isn’t Lance still out?”
“Yeah, Hilary had a baby boy a few weeks ago. He’s doing what Garrett did. He’s taking a little time to be with her and the baby.”
“Well, let’s get going.” He shoos me out the door. I’m wearing a t-shirt and I get self-conscious in public sometimes. I shouldn’t give a fuck what anyone thinks, but I worry they can tell my right arm is fake. I shake the feeling off and climb into Ruston’s new Dodge Ram.
He parks right outside of Lou’s and my eyes light up. I’ve never been more excited to see this place. I barely even thank Ruston for the ride when I jump out of the truck. I think I hear him laugh as the door shuts. My fake arm makes me nervous, so I open the gym door with my left hand. The smell of the gym is amazing to me, and so familiar. Garrett sees me and jogs over.
“Great to have you back, man.” He throws his arms around me. I laugh a little as I hug him back.
“It’s fucking great to be back, I can honestly say that. How’s everything been?” I tell him with a wide grin spread across my face.
“Everything is great, man. Even better with you back. It’s been so dreary around here.”
“How’s Lucas?”
“Getting big already. They grow so damn fast.” He sounds a little sad but he’s beaming just from hearing his son’s name.
“Austin, get your ass over here.” Howard walks out of the office with his burly arms open wide.
Garrett laughs as I break into a sarcastic run and then stop right in front of Howard. “Thanks for having me back.”
“We take care of each other here, and I think it’ll be good for you to be here. Who knows? Maybe you’ll fight again one day.”
“That would be fucking amazing, but right now, I’m just glad to be here and help these guys train.”