Page 7 of Blow (TKO 3)
“Hey, Tamilyn, want something to drink?” Austin asks over us.
She glares at me. Her eyes look distant but I don’t know why. It can’t be sadness. Why would she be sad? “I’d love something. Rum and Coke, please.”
“You’ve got it, babe.” He winks. The bartender heard Tamilyn so he doesn’t have to repeat himself. He called her babe and it’s eating me alive.
The bartender slides the drink to Tamilyn and she walks around me and stands on the other side of Austin, leaving me odd man out. “Thank you.” She wraps one arm around his waist. A half hug, she just gave him a half hug. He squeezes her tight before letting her go. She turns to look at me and presses her lips into a thin line.
“Tam.” I wave her over, and when she’s standing a few inches from my face, I lean into her ear. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have acted that way. I want us all to have a good time tonight.”
She steps back and looks at me before leaning forward. Her breath tickles my ear as she replies, “I could never be mad at you, Rus. I forgive you, by the way. It’s cute you’re jealous.”
“Why’s it so cute?”
“Just is.” She shrugs and steps back. Her eyes are lit up and she’s smiling.
I laugh. It’s good to be myself again. I can’t let my jealousy take over, or it’s going to ruin me. It’s my fault, though. If I had told her before now how I feel about her, then maybe none of this would be happening.
Chapter 4
I’m not sure I understand Ruston’s jealousy. He can deny it all he wants but he’s jealous. His eyes are laced with it and his words are soaked with venom. I asked him why he was jealous, hoping he might just come out and say what I wish he would, but he doesn’t. He never does, so maybe this is a good reason to move on from the hopes I hold inside, the hopes that maybe my best friend could possibly see me as more than that. The crazy thing is Austin resembles Ruston just a tad. His eyes are the same and they have a lot of the same facial features. Maybe that’s why I’m drawn to him. I have no expectations of anything with Austin, but a little flirting never hurt anyone, right? Austin started it, anyway, and I have no problem playing along.
I sip on the rum and Coke Austin bought me and zone out. I pretend for a moment that I’m in some sort of alternate universe where Austin never walks into the picture and Ruston and I can be together. What a cruel world. I break out of my thoughts and realize Austin isn’t even beside me anymore. Where did he go? My gaze roams the vicinity and I spot him talking to a few guys. I turn and see Ruston still standing in the same spot, drinking the same drink. His brow is creased and I know he’s deep in thought.
“What are you thinking about?” I ask him.
He snaps out of his thoughts and a smile covers his face. “Nothing really. I’m just wondering what it’s going to be like having Austin around. What do you think of him?”
I glance over to where Austin stands with those guys and shrug. “I don’t really know him now. He’s grown up since we last saw him. He bought me a drink. That was nice.”
“I would have bought your drink, Tam, and you know it.” There’s that jealousy. It’s back, but I won’t rub it in his face.
“If you’re that worried, how about you buy my second? That would be nice.”
“Oh yeah? Well, let me know when you’re ready. You know I’ll do anything for you, Tammy Lou.”
It shocks me how bad the flutters inside my stomach are right now. They invade every fiber of my being, so much that even I’m shocked when I lean forward and plant a kiss merely inches from his lips. I’m daring, bold, attempting to go for what I want. His eyes widen as he reaches for the spot where my lips just were.
“Tam.” His voice breaks. “What are you doing?”
“It was just a kiss. Don’t freak out, Rus.”
He runs his tongue over his bottom lip and my knees almost give out. He looks to where Austin is and when he sees no sign of him spotting us, he grabs my hand and pulls me away from the throngs of people.
He crushes his lips against mine and my body melts into his. He could do anything he wanted to me right now and I would not object. The kiss deepens as his tongue tangles with mine. Then he pulls away. It was so damn raw and perfect, I don’t think I want another kiss ever again.
“You don’t know how long I’ve been dying to do that,” Ruston tells me between breaths.
I’m out of breath also and finding it hard to speak. Does this ruin everything? “I, uh…”
“Hey guys, I was wondering where y’all went. Oh, is this the bathroom? Dude, Ruston, I have something to tell you in a minute. I think you’ll be fucking pumped!” Austin interrupts. I’m almost glad he did because although the kiss was no doubt the best kiss ever, I have no clue what I was going to say. What could I say to that without sounding like an idiot?
“Yeah, you looked deep into your conversation and we just figured we could use the bathroom and get back before you noticed we were gone,” Ruston tells him.
I bring the glass to my lips and take a long drink. When I pull it away, I nod to confirm Ruston’s story. Austin disappears into the bathroom and emerges within a matter of seconds. Must be nice to be a guy and just be able to whip it out and piss.
“So…” He turns to Ruston. “I know I told you I was going to start job hunting tomorrow. Well, I just met these two guys. Uh, Lance and Garrett I think were their names. They belong to this gym not far from here. They fight for money in matches. How fucking awesome does that sound? I’ve got street smarts when it comes to fighting and I started training a few months ago, so I bet I could adjust.”