Page 114 of Ruby (Landry 1)
brother's accident and my mother's illness. A once
proud, strong man, now he walked with his shoulders
turned in, his head lowered, his back bent. He was
always pale, his eyes empty, his enthusiasm for his
business at a very low ebb.
" 'Pierre,' " he said, I don't think you
r mother's
long for this world, and frankly, I feel my own days
are numbered. What we would like most to see is for
you to marry and start your family.'
"Daphne and I were planning on getting
married anyway, but after his conversation with me, I
rushed things along. I wanted to try to have children
immediately. She understood. But month after month
passed and when she showed no signs of becoming
pregnant, we became concerned.
"I sent her to specialists and the conclusion was
she was unable to get pregnant. Her body simply
didn't produce enough of some hormone. I forget the
exact diagnosis.
"The news devastated my father who seemed to
live only for the day when he would rest his eyes on
his grandchild. Not long after, my mother died." "How terrible," I said. He nodded and turned
off the engine.
"My father went into a deep depression. He
rarely came to work, spent long hours simply staring
into space, took poorer and poorer care of himself.
Daphne looked after him as best she could, but
blamed herself somewhat, too. I know she did, even
though she denies it to this day.