Page 116 of Ruby (Landry 1)
eager to make more trips to the bayou because of my
growing relationship with Gabrielle. I didn't realize
then why he was encouraging it. I should have known
something when he didn't appear upset the day I told
him she was pregnant with my child."
"He went behind your back and made a deal
with Grandpere Jack," I said.
"Yes, I didn't want such a thing to happen. I had
already made plans to provide for Gabrielle and the
child, and she was happy about it, but my father was
obsessed with this idea, crazed by it."
He took a deep breath before continuing. "He even went so far as to tell Daphne
"What did you do?" I asked.
"I didn't deny it. I confessed everything." "Was she terribly upset?"
"She was upset, but Daphne is a woman of
character, she's as they say, a very classy dame," he
added with a smile. "She told me she wanted to bring
up my child as her own, do what my father had asked.
He had made her some promises, you see. But there
was still Gabrielle to deal with, her feelings and
desires to consider. I told Daphne what Gabrielle
wanted and that despite the deal my father was
making with your grandfather, Gabrielle would
"Grandmere Catherine told me how upset my
mother was, but I never could understand why she let
Grandpere Jack do it, why she gave up Gisselle." "It wasn't Grandpere Jack who got her to go
along. In the end," he said, "it was Daphne." He
paused and turned to me. "I can see from the