Page 127 of Ruby (Landry 1)
what's happened and wants to greet you as if for the
first time," he said, and smiled. I looked at Gisselle
who sighed and stepped forward.
"I'm sorry for the way I behaved," she began. "I
didn't know the story. No one ever told me anything
like this before," she added, shifting her eyes toward
our father, who looked sufficiently apologetic.
"Anyway, this changes things a lot. Now that I know
you really are my sister and you've gone through a
terrible time."
"I'm glad," I said. "And you don't have to
apologize for anything. I can understand why you'd be
upset at me suddenly appearing on your doorstep." She seemed pleased, gashed a look at father and
then turned back to me.
"I want to welcome you to our family. I'm
looking forward to getting to know you," she added. It had the resonance of something memorized, but I was happy to hear the words nevertheless. "And don't worry about school. Daddy told me you were concerned, 'But you don't have to be. No one is going
to give my sister a hard time," she declared. "Gisselle is the class bully," our father said, and
"I'm not a bully, but I'm not going to let those
namby-pambies push us around," she swore.
"Anyway, you can come into my room later and talk.
We should really get to know each other."
"I'd like that."
"Maybe you want to go along with Ruby and
Daphne to shop for Ruby's new wardrobe," our father
"I can't. Beau's coming over." She flashed a
smile at me. "I mean, I'd call him and cancel, but he
so looks forward to seeing me, and besides, by the
time I get ready, you and Mother could be half