Page 206 of Ruby (Landry 1)
they do to him?"
"Just take him to his room. He usually calms
down after that."
"What happens with us after lunch?"
"They'll take us out for a while, but the area is
fenced in, so don't think you can just run off." "Will you show me how to escape then? Will
you, Lyle? Please," I begged.
"I don't know. Yes," he said. Then a moment
later he said, "I don't know. Don't keep asking me." "All right,
Lyle. I won't," I said quickly. He
calmed down and started on his dessert.
Just as he had said, when the lunch hour ended,
the attendants directed the patients to their outside time. On my way out with Lyle, the head nurse, Mrs.
McDonald, approached me.
"Dr. Cheryl has you scheduled for another hour
of evaluation late this afternoon," she said. "I will
come for you when it's time. How are you getting
along? Make any friends?" she asked, eying Lyle who
walked a step or two behind me. I didn't respond.
"Hello, Lyle. How are you today?"
"I don't know," he said quickly.
Mrs. McDonald smiled at me and walked on to
speak to some other patients.
The yard didn't look much different from the
grounds in front of the institution. Like the front, the
back had walk-ways and benches, fountains and
flower beds with sprawling magnolia and oak trees
providing pools of shade. There was an actual pool for
fish and frogs, too. The grounds were obviously well
maintained. The rock gardens, blossoms, and polished