Page 78 of Ruby (Landry 1)
"She's actually quite frightened and upset,"
Beau said.
"Sit you down, girl," Nina said, pointing to a
chair by the table. "I'll get you something to make
your stomach sit still. You hungry, too?"
I shook my head.
"Did you know Gisselle had a sister?" Beau
asked her as she went to prepare something for me to
drink. She didn't respond for a moment. Then she
"I don't know anything I'm not supposed to
know," she replied. Beau lifted his eyebrows. I saw
Nina mix what looked like a tablespoon of blackstrap
molasses into a glass of milk with a raw egg and some
kind of powder. She mixed it vigorously and brought
it back.
"Drink this in one gulp, no air," she prescribed.
I stared at the liquid.
"Nina usually cures everyone of anything
around here," Beau said. "Don't be afraid.
"My grandmere could do this, too," I said. "She
was a Traiteur."
"Your grandmere, a Traiteur?" Nina asked. I
"Then she was holy," she said, impressed.
"Cajun Traiteur woman can blow the fire out of a burn
and stop bleeding with the press of her palm," Nina
explained to Beau.
"I guess she's not a zombie girl then, huh?"
Beau asked with a smile. Nina paused.