Page 87 of Ruby (Landry 1)
"Why don't you see how Gisselle is getting
along, Beau?" Pierre asked firmly.
"Yes, sir," Beau said, and quickly marched
away. My father moved in 'closer and then sat on the
sofa across from me. Daphne closed the two large
doors softly and turned in expectation.
"You told them your last name is Landry?" my
father began. I nodded.
"Mon Dieu," Daphne said. She swallowed hard
and reached for the edge of a high back velvet chair to
steady herself.
"Easy," my father said, rising quickly to go to
her. He embraced her and guided her into the chair.
She sat back, her eyes closed. "Are you all right?" he
asked her. She nodded without speaking. Then he
turned back to me.
"Your grandfather. . . his name is Jack?" Yes."
"He's a swamp trapper, a guide?"
I nodded.
"How could they have done this, Pierre?"
Daphne cried softly. "It's ghastly. All these years!" "I know, I know," my father said. "Let me get
at the core of this, Daphne." He turned back to me, his
eyes still soft, but now troubled, too. "Ruby. That is
your name?" I nodded. "Tell us what you know about
all this and why you have presented yourself at this
time. Please," he added.
"Grandmere Catherine told me about my
mother. . how she became pregnant and then how
Grandpere Jack arranged for my sister's . . . "--I
wanted to say "sale," but I thought it sounded too