Page 14 of Celeste (Gemini 1)
Mommy stood there like a statue, still not crying, and now not speaking.
It seemed to spook Mr. Calhoun. He looked up, shifted his eyes, and backed up a bit.
"Is there anything I can do for you right now? I mean... you'll have to contact the hospital... there'll be arrangements to be made. If there's anything..."
"No." she said.
"I'm really sorry, shocked and sorry. Were all devastated down at the project."
She nodded, but still didn't cry.
Later we would learn that Mommy's reaction would be more interesting to people and a more interesting topic of discussion for them than Daddy's surprising death.
"Did you know he was sick or something?" Mr. Calhoun finally asked to break the heavy silence. "I mean, did you have any idea? Did he?"
"I knew he was in trouble," she said.
"Well, why didn't he go to a doctor, get examined or something?"
"He didn't know he was in trouble." she explained. "Maybe, if he had worn the amulet--"
Mr. Calhoun shook his head.
He didn't know he was in trouble? I don't think I understand. Sarah. How could he not know if he was getting sick, but you knew?"
"I just realized it about an hour or so ago myself." she said. "It was too late."
"I don't understand. Sarah. How is it you knew but he didn't?" he asked with more demand.
"I had a message, a feeling," she told him.
He stared for a moment and then nodded, everything about Mommy coming back to him.
"Oh. Sure. I've heard of things like that," he told her. "When people are so close as you and Arthur were... sure." He was backing up more now. He was practically out the door.
Mommy took the door in hand and looked out at him. "Thank you for coming rather than calling," she said. And she closed the door before he turned to leave.
She stood there staring at the closed door. I felt as if a part of me was lifting and floating out over the stairs, down to her. I had no doubt that she sensed I was standing there. She turned and looked up at me. And then she held out her arms. and I hurried down and into them.
She held me so tightly, the tightest she had ever held inc. and I held on to her, thinking that as soon as I let go. I would fall into a dark hole.
Finally she relaxed and held me at arm's length.
"We won't wake Noble and tell him yet," she said. "Let him sleep."
"Mommy, where's Daddy?" I asked, refusing to understand the words I had overheard.
"He's gone over to the other side. Celeste," she said. "We can do nothing about it. They took him."
"Who took him?"
"His own spiritual family," she said. "He's gone.
He died," she uttered.
"How could Daddy die?" I moaned through a constricting throat. "He was never sick!"