Page 26 of Celeste (Gemini 1)
"Give me your hand. Celeste," she said, and I did. Then she surprised us both by falling to her knees and lowering her head. We didn't hear her, but she was whispering a prayer.
I turned and looked to my left. I felt sure I saw Daddy standing there watching us. I was excited because I hadn't seen him again since that first night, but he didn't look happy this time. I wanted to tell Mommy. but I was afraid to speak. To interrupt her. By the time she was finished. Daddy was gone.
She looked up expectantly, her eyes on Noble. He had his head down now, and he was visibly shaking.
"It's cold," I heard him say.
She looked at me and shook her head. Then she rose slowly, seized Noble's hand, and pulled him away from the tombstone. We walked back to the house. Mommy's face as dire and as gloomy as it had been whe
n we had walked from the cemetery after Daddy's funeral.
That night after Noble and I had gone to bed and he had fallen asleep. Mommy came to my bedside. She knelt down and stared through the darkness at me. I held my breath and waited for her to speak because she was taking so long.
"I told you before," she finally said. "For reasons I don't yet understand, the spirits will not show themselves to Noble, will not protect him the way they will protect you and me. Not even Daddy," she said with her voice dripping disappointment, even anger. "It is your special responsibility to protect him and watch over him. Celeste, for you have been blessed and he will not see dangers as you do. I am relying on you for this," she said. "Don't fail me," she warned.
I couldn't respond. It frightened me to hear her repeat this admonition so vehemently. It was too much responsibility for me. How could I watch over him day and night? Why wasn't that her job, solely her job?
She saw the questions in my eyes. I Guess, She reached out, stroked my hair, and smiled.
We are truly a team now," she said. That made me feel better.
Then she kissed me on the forehead and left our room. I watched her close the door.
Even though it was nearly pitch-dark. I thought I saw Daddy standing there.
He looked as troubled as he had out at the gravestones. "Daddy," I whispered. "What's wrong?"
He started to speak, and then he stopped as if he was listening to some other voice, turned, and left through a shadow in the corner.
I stared into the darkness hopefully, but soon my eyelids closed like the doors of two safes, locking my visions away for the night. In the morning I wasn't sure if I really had seen Daddy again or if it had been a dream. My mind was so hazy. I thought about telling Mommy and asking her what I should do, but she was very distracted and barely paid any attention to either Noble or me.
"We're going for a ride," she said. She had opened an envelope and had the letter spread before her on the table. From the way she was glaring down at it. I knew it was something that had made her very angry,
"Where?" Noble asked. excited.
Going anywhere, even to the supermarket, was like going to Disneyland for us.
She looked up at us, the anger in her face so strong, it thinned her lips and put small dots of white in the corners.
"I have to bring you to the school," she said. "for a meeting with the superintendent and for you two to take a test. Even though I am a certified New York State teacher, the superintendent again insists on one of his staff administering the test. I won't be objective or honest, I suppose," she added through the side of her mouth.
"Are we going to go to school from now on?" Noble asked, even more excited.
"No," she said firmly. "but we have to follow the regulations of the New York State Commissioner of Education." she said, making it sound like regulations issued by the devil. She picked up the letter and read. " to comply with section 100.10.' I just love the way they try to fit everyone into a little box that they desire.'' she added.
She stood up. holding the letter almost at arm's length as if it could somehow contaminate her.
" 'Dear Mrs. Atwell,' " she read. " 'Perhaps it has been an oversight on your part, but the
superintendent wishes to inform you that you are required to provide written notice to the
superintendent by July First of each school year of your intention to educate your children at home. As of this date, we do not have any such notice on record, nor do we have your required IHIP, your
individualized home instruction plan for your two children.'
"I just love the way they make sure to include things really meant to be threats, to intimidate people." She continued, wagging her head after each sentence she read. " 'Be aware that students instructed at home are not awarded a high school diploma. A high school diploma may only be awarded to a student enrolled in a registered secondary school who has completed all the programs required by the Regents, the school, or the district.'
"Little boxes," she spit.