Page 43 of Celeste (Gemini 1)
then Mommy put on music they both liked. She and
Mr. Kotes sat and watched the two of us working the
train set.
"I think this is the best birthday we ever had,"
Noble whispered, which surprised me.
Even with a clown, decorations, and all these
presents, how could it be the best birthday without
I wasn't sure if Mommy had heard him or not,
but she looked as if she had. and I thought she had
turned sad.
Eventually I grew bared with the trains and
started to read one of my new books. Noble was upset
that I wasn't paying attention to his train, and then Mommy decided it was time we went to bed. He whined and groaned and begged to stay up later, but she was firm about it, so we straightened up the living
room and then went upstairs.
"I don't know why we have to sleep so much,"
Noble complained. "Why can't we just take naps once
in a while?"
It wouldn't be enough. We'd be too tired all the
time." I said.
As if he thought he could rush the night into
orning, he hurriedly brushed his teeth and changed
into his pajamas in the bathroom. Then I did. By the
time I came out. Noble looked asleep. I guessed he
hadn't realized how tired he actually was. Happy
times make you tired too, I thought.
I crawled into bed and pulled the covers up to
my chin.
That was it like to have a birthday that was only