Page 48 of Celeste (Gemini 1)
looking out the window.
I didn't say anything. but I. too, wondered why
we had to do that. Noble just glared ahead.
"I'm not," he said finally.
Mommy turned slowly.
If you don't. I will scoop it all up and throw it
all into the garbage," she threatened.
"Why do I have to?" he whined.
"Because I told you to," she said. "That should
be enough reason. This is a house in mourning. We
don't simply go on as though nothing terrible has
"Something terrible is always happening,"
Noble muttered. He rose from his seat and ran out of
the room. We heard the front door opening and
"Noble!" Mommy screamed after him. I froze,
afraid to eat another bite.
"Go after him." she ordered. "See that he
doesn't do anything stupid. I don't want him too far
from the house today. And don't you dare go into to
the woods. Celeste."
She looked out the window again.
"They're hovering out there like mosquitoes
against the windowpane."
"Who. Mommy?"
She shook her head slowly.
"The spirits," she whispered. "Evil spirits." When I stood up. I felt my whole body
trembling. How close were the spirits? Would I be
able to see them?