Page 52 of Celeste (Gemini 1)
walked a step toward Noble. "Sit next to him and
don't let him move this leg if he wakes up before I
return. Celeste."
I hurried to his side.
"Keep him calm," she ordered. I had no idea
how, but I took his hand into mine and sat while she went off toward the barn. Noble was just starting to groan and move his head from side to side when she returned with two pieces of wood slabs. I saw she also
had some tape.
"Mommy." Noble muttered.
"Just stay still, Noble, completely still. You've
broken your leg," she said.
He looked up at her. dazed.
"Someone pushed me," he said, and she stopped
working. "I could feel it," he muttered and closed his
eyes. "Someone pushed me."
Mommy looked at me for a moment, the
expression on her face confusing. She looked like she
wanted me to explain. I bit down softly on my lower
lips and shook my head. I didn't know what he was
talking about. I hadn't seen anything.
"Go into the house and get the antiseptic I use
on your cuts and bruises. Celeste. I want a wet cloth
with soap. too. Go on," she ordered. and I jumped up
quickly and ran into the house.
By the time I returned, she had the splint on
Noble's leg firmly put together. She took the cloth and
soap and washed off his forehead scrape, and then she
applied the antiseptic. Noble continued to cry, his
whole body shaking with sobs. Mommy slipped her arms under him and then, with great effort, lifted him as she stood. He let his head roll against her breast and closed his eyes as she carried him toward the
"Will he be all right?" I asked, following. "Get the door for me." she said in return. I