Page 93 of Celeste (Gemini 1)
"That's nowhere near what you did, and you know it," he countered. playing Ping-Pang with accusations.
"Can we at least eat in peace?" their father said in a desperate, tired voice.
They glared at each other.
Was this would it would have been like with Noble and me? I wondered. Yet even though they were bickering, there was something attractive about it. It made me smile. Scion they were talking about other things-- the house, the plans their father had for fixing it up. He made it sound like a wonderful project far them. Betsy said little, ate fast, but listened and promised to do what had to be done.
"I want to get another dog," Elliot told his father. "The crazy people have a golden retriever."
"We'll see," his father said. On thing at a time here. Elliot."
Crazy people? Is that what they all thought about Mommy and me?
Suddenly. I thought I saw Elliot looking at the window. I pulled myself back quickly, my heart pounding. Then I turned and, with my body folded again, ran for the woods. Cleo loped behind me, taking much too long.
I looked back when I reached the trees.
Elliot was standing in the window. He had pulled up the blinds and was looking in my direction.
I was sure I clearly saw a smile on his face.
His smile chased me through the woods. I hadn't realized how late it had gotten. I scooped up the pole, the fishing tackle box, and the can of worms. Then I charged through the woods and back to our house. Mommy was just pulling up the driveway.
"What's wrong?" she asked, getting out of the car quickly. She had her arms full of bags.
"Nothing." I said.
"Why are you running out of the woods so hard? Did you see something? Hear something? What?" she demanded as I stood there panting.
"No," I said.
She stared at me. She looked like she could see right through my head.
"They won't be here long," she suddenly predicted. "I've been told. There are dark days ahead for them. You listen carefully. Noble. You'll hear the same thing, unless you already have. Have you?"
"No." I said, fear draping over me like a gust of cold rain and wind.
"You will," she insisted and started for the house. "I have much to do," she added and mumbled. "much to do. Clean up for dinner," she told me when she turned back at the door. "And get that dog clean before you bring him in."
She went inside, and I looked back at the woods.
What was going to happen to them? I wondered. When would I hear about it?
Where were the spirits, and why wasn't I seeing them more and hearing them?
How much longer would it be before. I was as welcome as Mommy was?
Talk to me! I wanted to shout at the shadows. Maybe I did.
But all I heard was Cleo's panting and the sound of my own heart thumping.