Page 49 of Surprise Bidder
The thought makes me sad. He must miss his sister so much.
“But of course Nadine wasn’t his sister, and she didn’t want to be. Gavin eventually realized that and started putting some distance between them, but it was too late. Nadine took it badly. Again, she blamed the baby. She tried to get rid of it.”
“No.” I clasp a hand over my mouth.
Yes, I know I thought of getting rid of my baby, too. But that was only because my mind was in so much chaos at the time. I don’t think I could have gone through with it. I definitely can’t imagine doing it now.
“She failed, but the Council found out about the attempt. You know the rules. The prize’s baby belongs to Ambrosia. In trying to get rid of it, she had broken a cardinal rule. She was taken away from Gavin.”
My hand goes to my chest. “Poor thing.”
Fiona nods. “It was a blow to her. She wanted Gavin more than anything. She became depressed, out of control. She was placed under the care of a psychiatrist then, and for a while she seemed to be getting better. Then one day she just hanged herself.”
I gasp. I had a feeling this story would have a tragic ending. I just didn’t think it would be that tragic.
Fiona touches my shoulder. “Are you alright?”
I grab some tissues from the box near the sink and wipe the leaking corners of my eyes.
“I’m fine. Just the hormones.”
“I know. They’re to blame for everything, right?” She pats my shoulder. “Well, at least you’re doing better than Lily.”
I look at her. “What happened to the baby?”
“The doctors tried to save it. They couldn’t. It was buried with its mother. Gavin saw to the funeral. He said she was still his prize. I think he still visits her grave, too.”
“Then why would they say he killed her?” I ask.
Fiona shrugs. “Because Nadine died hours after Gavin came to visit her.”
“And because people will say anything to bring a good man down, especially one who’s rising up the ladder so quickly. You may not have realized it, but a man like Gavin has enemies. Powerful enemies.”
Enemies who could frame him for murder and get away with it. The latter brings a chill down my spine.
Fiona rubs my back. “Are you sure you’re alright?”
I nod. “Thank you for telling me.”
Now that I know what happened in the past, I understand some of the present better. I understand how Gavin feels, what he expects of me, of himself. I know why he’s keeping me at a distance, why he’s built his walls around him. He’s been dealing with this all by himself all this time?
He’s been all alone, haunted by the past, weighed down with guilt. It’s no wonder he’s grown cold. Worse, by taking me in, he’s probably been reminded of Nadine. He’s reliving his worst nightmare, one I never knew about until now.
Well, now I know.
I squeeze Fiona’s hand. “I’m really glad you told me.”
She pats my hand. “Good. At least there’s one prize who doesn’t regret showing up this afternoon.”
I give her a sheepish grin.
She stands up. “Well, I better go see if they’ve left. You can leave, too, if you want. There’s nothing more to do here anyway.”
“Maybe I will.” I glance down. “And I guess I’ll just return your dress after- ”
“Keep it,” she tells me. “And I won’t put it on your tab. Just consider it a gift.”
I smile. “Thank you, Fiona.”
She nods and heads out the door. As soon as she leaves, Giselle comes in. She has my flip flops in her hand.
“Sorry I took so long,” she says. “Actually, I only took a few minutes, but when I came back, Jan was here and then Ms. Fiona was here…”
“It’s fine,” I tell her. “Like you said, I had company, so…”
I shrug. She kneels in front of me and slips my footwear on. When she’s done, I stand up.
Giselle gets on her feet as well. “Are we going home now?”
“We’re leaving,” I answer. “But we’re not going home.”
I glance at the clock. It’s barely three, which means Gavin must still be in his office.
“There’s somewhere I’d like to go first.”
Chapter Fourteen
“Did you say a woman named Leah is here?” I straighten up behind my desk as I hold the phone against my ear.
“Yes, sir,” my assistant answers.
“Outside my office?”
“Yes, sir. She’s here with me and she wants to see you.”
“Well, she just asked to see you, sir. She didn’t say it was urgent. She doesn’t look frazzled or anything, so I don’t think it’s an emergency. Should I send her away?”
I tap my fingers on my desk. Not an emergency. That’s a relief. Still, if she came to see me, if she can’t wait for me to get home, she must have something important to say. Maybe something happened at that party she went to?