Page 75 of Surprise Bidder
The baby doesn’t move.
Gavin grins. “Good girl.”
He hooks his thumbs into the waistband of my panties and pulls them down to my knees. He lets go and they fall the rest of the way to my ankles. I step out of them and kick them aside along with the robe.
He takes off his jeans and his boxers. I pull off his shirt. Now, we’re both naked.
He lies down on the bed and stretches his arm out to me. I climb on top of the bed, thinking he wants me to lie down beside him. Just as I’m about to do that, though, Gavin grabs my arm.
“Come here,” he says.
Here? Where?
He pulls me towards him, on top of him, then guides my hips so that I’m sitting right on his face with my knees on either side of his head.
Wait. What?
He slides beneath me. I feel his breath against my burning sex. I feel his fingers parting me.
His tongue enters me and my words vanish. My thoughts go in a whirl. It moves in and out of me and I start to tremble. His thumb finds my nub and I fall forward with a gasp. My palms flatten against the wall above the headboard.
My nails scrape wood as Gavin works his wonders, both with his fingers and with his tongue. The double assault makes me weak. My knees shake and moans spill from my lips. A slick sound comes from beneath me.
“Oh, God.”
Heat floods my chest, right beneath my breasts, and spills through the rest of my body. I squeeze my eyes shut and let out a cry as it overwhelms me. My mind turns to mush. My breath gets sucked out from my lungs.
As I gasp for air, I feel Gavin moving beneath me. I see his head between my knees.
I think of getting off him, but as my mind clears, I get another idea. A better idea.
I grip his shoulders and slowly move down his body. I stop above his chest so I can press my palms against his smooth pectoral muscles, then above his stomach so I can trace the dips and ridges of his six pack.
“Have you always been this well built?” I ask him curiously.
“You mean since birth?”
I frown. “I guess that’s a stupid question. What I mean is how long have you had this… this incredibly ripped body.”
Gavin grins. “I’m glad you like it. It took some work.”
I’m sure it did.
“I think it started when I was around seventeen. That’s around the time I discovered the gym.”
Seventeen. I wonder what he looked like then. Maybe I’ll ask for a picture sometime. For now, though, I’ll just relish this image in front of me.
“Are you just going to keep staring?” Gavin asks me.
I can hear the impatience in his voice.
I move further down until his cock brushes against me. It’s fully hard again. I grip it and position myself above it.
“Are you sure you can do this?” Gavin asks.
I narrow my eyes at him. “Is that a challenge?”
“I’m saying you don’t…”
“Shh.” I hold a finger to my lips. “Just watch.”
Slowly, I guide his cock inside me. There’s some resistance at first, which causes me to gasp and Gavin to hiss, but as soon as the head is in, the rest enters me smoothly.
I hold my breath as I take the thick shaft all the way to the hilt. Then I let it out slowly.
“Are you alright?” Gavin asks me with a look of concern.
“Are you?” I return the question.
He grins. “I’m loving the view.”
My eyebrows crease. “What view?”
All he can see is my huge stomach. Well, that and my breasts. And my face.
Okay. I guess it is a decent view.
I start to move my hips but find myself in an awkward position. I decide to lean back and stretch my knees in front of me. I rest my heels just above Gavin’s shoulders and place my hands on his legs.
Then I start moving again.
With each rise and fall of my hips, I can feel his cock rubbing against me, inside me. And since I’m on top, I can control just where exactly it’s rubbing.
I throw my head back and savor the flow of pleasure from that spot. Moans escape my lips. I can hear Gavin grunting, letting out deep breaths as well.
Suddenly, I feel his fingers between my legs. He finds my nub and strokes me as I move up and down. The excitement in my veins goes up a notch.
“Ooh. Yes!”
I’d like to keep going, to go faster. But my legs and arms are getting tired. Maybe if I didn’t have a bun in the oven, I could do better. But I am more than five months pregnant and the extra weight is sapping the strength from my limbs. I slow down.
Gavin’s fingers leave me as well. Then, without warning, he starts moving his hips. My eyes fly wide open in surprise.