Page 19 of Fiance Next Door
“It’s fine,” I tell her.
She nods, then looks away. The way she’s pursing her lips as she taps her shoulder tells me she’s trying to think of something to say. Just when she parts her lips, Giselle groans. Aster looks in her direction.
I, too, glance at my sister, who I nearly forgot was still here.
“What’s her problem?” I ask.
“She’s short one bridesmaid dress,” Aster answers as she glances at the two boxes on the bed. “There are supposed to be four.”
“I see.”
That does sound like a big problem.
“And that’s not all she’s worried about,” Aster adds. “I think there’s something wrong with the cake, too.”
“What? It’s got five layers instead of six?”
“It’s chocolate. I believe Giselle asked for mocha.”
My eyebrows furrow. “Isn’t that the same thing?”
“No.” Aster sighs. “Poor Giselle. She seems this close to turning into Bridezilla.”
She holds her thumb and forefinger half an inch apart.
“Then we should get away from here, don’t you think?”
She gives a sheepish grin and touches her nape. “I…”
Just then, we hear a dog barking. A big dog. From next door.
Aster’s features twist in alarm. “Shit.”
She runs out of the room. Giselle turns around.
“Where is she going?”
“Emergency,” I answer.
Her eyes grow wide. I know that look. It’s the “if I hear one more bit of bad news, all hell is going to break loose” look.
I raise a hand. “Don’t worry. I’ll handle it.”
I run after Aster.
“Make sure she doesn’t ruin that dress!” Giselle calls after me.
I follow Aster to her house. I find her in the kitchen kneeling beside Noah, who’s sitting on the floor.
“Did you fall, Dad?” she asks him in a voice heavy with concern. “Are you hurt?”
Noah looks into her eyes. “Carol?”
Aster’s mother?
Aster throws me a worried glance. “You should – ”
“You look so beautiful, Carol.” Noah touches Aster’s cheek. “The most beautiful bride I’ve ever seen.”
Aster frowns. “I’m not Carol, Dad. I’m Aster, your daughter. Remember?”
But he doesn’t seem to have heard her. “You know, if ever we have a daughter, I bet she’ll be just as beautiful as you. I bet she’ll look just as amazing in a wedding dress.”
“You know, I’ve taken many pictures of other people, people I don’t even know, but the only picture I really want to take is of our daughter in her wedding dress. That would be the best picture. Don’t you think so, Carol?”
My eyebrows furrow in suspicion at Noah’s choice of words. He is having another memory lapse, right? He’s not faking this?
Aster seems to think so. “Dad, it’s me, Aster.” She cups his face. “I’m Aster, not Carol.”
For a moment, Noah just looks into her eyes. Then his smile vanishes. He pulls away and looks around.
“What happened?”
“It’s fine, Dad.”
Aster helps him to his feet. I help her.
“Mason.” Noah smiles at me. “You’re here.”
“I’m just making sure Aster doesn’t ruin her bridesmaid dress,” I tell him. “Giselle’s orders.”
Noah turns to his daughter. “You look beautiful, dear.”
Aster says nothing.
“Doesn’t she, Mason?” Noah asks me.
“She sure does,” I answer.
Aster throws me a reprimanding glance.
What? I’m just telling the truth. Or am I not supposed to give her any compliments?
“I’m fine,” Noah says when he’s back on his feet. “You two can go.”
Aster sighs. “Dad…”
“I’ll go,” I say. “Just make sure you give that dress back later.”
I head out of the room.
“Mason.” Aster comes after me.
I stop and turn. “What?”
She draws a deep breath. “About what happened… with my dad… I’d appreciate it if you didn’t tell anyone.”
So she doesn’t want people to know that Noah has Alzheimer’s? I guess that explains why she was trying to get me to leave earlier. I can respect that.
“I won’t,” I promise her. “Don’t worry about it. Just take care of your dad.”
Aster nods. “Thanks.”
She still looks worried, though.
“Do you want me to stay?” I ask her.
“No.” She shakes her head. “You can go. Tell Giselle I’ll take care of the dress.”
Still, I don’t move. The voice in my head is telling me I should stay. I can’t just leave Aster. Not like this. Not when I know she’s suffering alone and trying so hard to hide it. Not without doing anything.
“What?” She gives me a puzzled look. “If you’re going to start feeling sorry for me, I swear I’ll – ”
I cover the distance between us in one stride and pull her into my arms. She turns stiff as a plank. I’ve probably shocked her. Again. At least she’s not pushing me away, though.
I bring my mouth close to her ear. “If you ever need anything, just let me know.”
After that, I reluctantly let her go. She looks at me with an expression I can’t read but nods.
That’s all. That’s enough.
I pat her shoulder and turn away. Now, I can. I even manage not to look back. At least, I’ve let her know I’m here. Now, she knows. And it’s up to her to make the next move.