Page 18 of Killing Monica
“The name? Yes. That ridiculous name that no one can remember.”
“SondraBeth Schnowzer.”
“How would that look in the titles?”
“What kind of name is that, anyway?”
“Austrian, maybe. Like Schwarzenegger.”
“Schnowzer,” someone said in Arnold Schwarzenegger’s voice.
There was benign laughter around the table.
“Sorry, darling,” someone said to Pandy.
“Hold on.” PP raised his hands from behind his head as his chair’s front wheels dropped to the floor. His dark
eyes caught Pandy’s.
“It’s not that crazy,” PP said, addressing the room. “I happen to know she’s taking acting classes. Roger?”
Roger quickly looked down at his BlackBerry and tapped out a message. In a moment there was a light rap and the blond wood door opened a crack.
“Come in,” PP answered.
“I just wanted to give this to Roger,” a young woman said, making herself invisible as she handed Roger a piece of paper.
Roger scanned the document, then raised his sparse eyebrows as if impressed. “She has some real credits here. Mostly indie movies, but lots of them.”
“Indie movies. Meaning she’s a relative unknown. I love that.” PP pushed back from the table and stood up. “Interesting. Okay. Go,” he said, shooing them all away with his fingers.
Pandy lingered a moment as the others left the room.
“Thanks,” she said.
“You are just terrific!” PP suddenly exploded, and before Pandy had a chance to react, he embraced her in a bear hug.
* * *
Roger was waiting for her on the other side of the door.
“That was it,” he said, walking her down the hall. “You got the hug.”
“The hug?” Pandy asked, clutching the magazines to her chest.
“It’s a sign. PP likes you.”
“And that means what, exactly?”
“You’ve got a meeting with SondraBeth Schnowzer.”
Pandy stopped and stared at him as he paused to hold open the heavy glass doors that led to the elevator bank.
“I don’t even know what that means.”
“You’ll meet her, get to know her a little. If you still think she’s right, PP will make sure she gets an audition.”