Page 46 of Escaping the Past
Brody rolled sideways toward Lou, hoping to slide from under her without waking her. But with his arm asleep, that was nearly impossible. He rolled onto his side, causing Lou to straighten her leg that was originally across his lap. She was now stretched along the length of him, nose to nose. Lou peered at him through lids that were open a fraction of an inch. She grumbled and closed her eyes again. Brody slid his sleeping arm out from under her head and tucked a pillow under it instead. She rolled toward his body heat as he moved away from her.
“Oh, no, you don’t,” he whispered. “You’re going to stay over there and I’m going to get out of your bed while I still can.” He grabbed the covers and pulled them up to her chest and tucked them around her. He lifted himself gently from the bed, shook his dead arm, and flexed his fingers. When he could feel the blood moving again, he opened the door to Lou’s room and stepped out, running straight into John.
John took one look at Brody as he tiptoed out of Lou’s room and his face turned red with anger. “What the hell are you doing?”
Brody sighed. “John, it’s not what it looks like.”
“What it looks like? It looks like you are sneaking out of Lou’s room before the sun comes up! That’s what it looks like.” He paused. “Are you and Lou?” He motioned with his hands while trying to balance the crutches trying to indicate they might be together.
“No, John, it’s not like that.” He reached to place his hand on John’s shoulder and John dodged him, obviously still ticked off.
Then Brody got angry, too. “What the hell is wrong with you?” he whispered vehemently. “She had a nightmare, John. A nightmare! She had a
nother of those screaming, wall-shattering nightmares. So, I went in to help her and she asked me to stay and ‘hold’ her for a few minutes. We fell asleep.”
“So, you guys are not?” John motioned again with his hands.
“Not what?” Brody asked, exasperated.
“Not sleeping together?”
Brody ran a frustrated hand through his hair. “No, John. We are not having sex. Is that what you want to know?” He laughed sarcastically. “We slept in the same bed and didn’t have sex. I swear to God.” He held up one hand to the heavens. “And to be honest, I got a pair of blue ones the size of my head because I haven’t slept with her. Do you hear me? The size of my head! But you know what? I like her. There. I said it. I like her. If I didn’t like her so damn much, I would have slept with her long before now. So, go back to bed, John. Lou’s virtue is still intact, thanks to me. Feel better?”
“Well…” he began.
“Shut up and go to bed, John, before I knock your crutches out from under you and leave you in the hallway.”
Brody turned and went into his own room, closing out John and the rest of the world.
Lou lay in her bed smiling, having just heard every word that they had just said. What a great way to start the day.
A bit later, after she had already showered and had Sarah ready for church, Sadie came to get her. Sadie knocked softly on her door and then poked her head inside. Lou sat on the edge of her bed. She had Sarah between her knees as she pulled the girl’s long, dark tresses up and held them back with barrettes. She patted Sarah on the bottom and said, “Go and brush your teeth.”
Sadie’s eyes met Lou’s as she walked into the room and sat down beside her on the bed. She candidly asked, “What are you doing up so early? You usually sleep in on Sundays.”
Lou sighed. “I just couldn’t sleep.” She shrugged her shoulders and looked down at the floor.
Sadie reached and touched her hand to Lou’s forehead. “No fever.” She raised one finger to her lips and pretended to think really hard. She touched Lou’s cheek and grinned. “But I do think you have been bitten.”
“Bitten?” Lou asked incredulously.
“Yep. By the love bug. Symptoms usually include a racing heart, rosy cheeks, and an allover warm sensation, not unlike a fever but a little more pleasant.”
Lou laughed out loud. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Sure you do. You have the hots for that fancy pants, Brody, who I happen to love like he’s my own son, but he’s no angel and we both know it.”
“I do not have the hots…” Lou started.
Sadie cut her off. “Uh uh,” she scolded, shaking her finger. “This is old Sadie you’re talking to, but I’m not so old I can’t remember that feeling you’re fighting. My man still makes my toes tingle and look how old we are.” She snorted.
“Sadie!” Lou shrieked as she stood and clamped a hand over her mouth.
“Hey, I just wanted you to know I have been where you are standing.”
“And what did you do?” Lou stammered.