Page 62 of Escaping the Past
He kicked at the dirt with his toe again. “Actually, I don’t know what I’m going to do with the place, yet. I have to meet with Mother’s attorneys in a couple of weeks. They’are putting together the estate now.”
“You’re not thinking of selling, are you?” Lou snapped at him.
“I don’t know what I’m thinking, yet, Lou. I don’t even know what my mother’s plans were yet. She might have everything tied up in a nice and neat little package. She might not give me any choices.”
“And you just hate that, don’t you? Having your choices taken away?” Lou snapped at him.
“Yes! I do hate that. I hate to have my choices taken away. I hate to give in. I’m a doctor, for Christ’s sake, Lou. That’s what I always wanted to be.”
“You enjoyed the past month here.” Lou stated blandly.
“Yes. I did. I enjoyed it very much but I didn’t even break ground. Running this place is a big operation.”
“You could always do what your mother has done.” Lou said quietly.
“What’s that?”
“Leave it to the people who know how to do it.”
“Why are we even discussing this right now?” He practically growled at her. “I wanted to walk with you so I could apologize.”
“You already did.”
“I must have missed it. Did you accept, Lou? Trying to talk to you is like trying to make a chair out of a cactus. It’s painful no matter how you look at it.”
“I accept your apology for acting like a jackass this morning.”
Brody grinned. He tried to hide it. But he failed. “I’m not sure that’s an accurate description of my actions.?
“Oh, I’m sure,” Lou replied blandly.
He touched her hand and brought it to his lips, a slow smile spreading across his face. He turned her hand over and kissed her palm. When he did, turned her hand to look at the face on her watch.
“Damn. I have to go.” Brody said.
“Go where?” Lou asked.
“Home, Lou. I told you. I have to go home.”
“My flight leaves at eight.”
He nodded. “Yeah. Today.”
He took her hand and started walking back toward the house. This time, they did not spring apart or hide. He held her hand all the way up to the back porch, then he held the door open for her and ushered her in.
Lou was startled to find a packed bag beside the back door with old airline tags attached. She pushed it to the back of her mind.
Sadie had the kitchen table set and had dinner served. Lou perfunctorily ate some meatloaf and made idle small talk with Sarah. John couldn’t stop talking about his new horse and how he couldn’t wait to bring him home. Jeb and Sadie sat quietly watching the emotions that were flying around the room.
After dinner, Brody sat his napkin in his plate and rose from the table. “I guess it’s time for me to get going.” Jeb wasn’t quite finished with his meal. He started to rise from his chair, anyway. “Stay there, Jeb. You’re not even done yet. I’ll just call a cab and take it to the airport.”
Lou broke in. “There’s no need to do all that. I’m done. I can take you.”