Page 76 of Escaping the Past
Chapter Seventeen
Brody woke the next morning to the feeling of small breaths rushing against his face. He slowly opened his eyes and jumped as he found Sarah just inches from his nose, her finger poised in the air, about to touch his eye. He pulled back slightly, still half-asleep and unsure of where he was.
“Sarah?” he asked groggily, stretching slowly. “What are you doing in here?”
“What are you doing in here?” she threw back at him saucily, placing her hands on her hips, her brown eyes dancing with a smile.
“What are you talking about?” he asked as he sat up and looked around, surprised to find he had spent the whole night in his mother’s room in her chaise lounge, surrounded by blankets that smelled of her. “Oh,” he replied, running his hand through his hair. “I must have fallen asleep. Where is everyone?”
“In the kitchen,” Sarah replied, still looking at his eye. She reached a small finger out and touched it, quickly drawing it back when he winced. “Does that hurt a lot?”
“Only when you do that,” he warned.
“Oh. Sorry.” She giggled quietly.
“You sure sound like you’re sorry,” his sober expression turned to glee as he grabbed her and pulled her into his lap, tickling her sides.
She laughed out loud and squealed, “Stop it!”
“Stop what?” he asked dramatically, tickling her more. “Do you mean stop this?” he continued his assault.
Then he heard footsteps running down the hall. Lou ran through the doorway, a look of panic on her face. He and Sarah froze as she snapped at them both.
“You almost scared the life out of me.” She breathed rapidly, her hand over her chest. Jeb and Sadie ran into the room right behind her, looking equally as worried. Jeb was quite the sight, carrying a fire poker.
Brody tapped Sarah. She looked him in the eye. “Looks like you’re going to get me beaten up again.” He shoved her playfully from his knee and she hit the floor. She came up rubbing her bottom.
“That wasn’t very nice,” she pouted.
“Keep that in mind the next time you wake me up and then get me in trouble with your squealing, young lady.” He grinned at her. She grinned back and went to stand beside Lou. Lou touched her gently on the top of her head, rubbing her hair back from her face.
She spoke to Brody. “I’m sorry she woke you. She was in the kitchen just a minute ago.” Lou ground out the last few words at her child, Sarah looking like the kid who stole a cookie from the cookie jar.
“She came to check out my shiner.” Brody pointed to his face, turning so she could see it.
“Oh!” she gasped, walking closer to him. “That looks terrible!”
“Don’t touch it. It hurts. Just ask Sarah.” Brody nodded in her direction.
Jeb and Sadie ushered Sarah from the room.
Despite the warning, Lou reached a hand toward his eye. He caught her hand in his and said, “See! I warned you. I’m going to have to punish you just like I did her.”
“You wouldn’t dare,” she challenged.
“Want to bet,” he said quickly, grabbing her and pulling her into his lap.
She struggled against his arms but he held her firmly. He tickled her side lightly and she squirmed in his lap, kicking his shin. He grunted in pain and spun her around, laying her back in the chaise lounge, his body covering hers. He pulled her hands above her head, clasping them in one of his own. “I still think I can take you.”
“Take me?” she asked.
He pondered that for a moment. “Well, I want to do that, too.” He laughed and ground his hips into hers. She gasped as he pressed himself against her belly. “But I’ll settle for winning right this second.” He kissed her lips lightly. “I want to kiss you better, but I haven’t brushed my teeth yet.” He looked at her with his boyish grin and she couldn’t help but smile back.
They heard a cough from the doorway and they b
oth looked over. Lou was still beneath Brody on the lounge with her hands clasped in his, above her head. John stood in the entry of the sitting room, looking decidedly uncomfortable. “Would you guys knock it off? Jeb and Sadie are ready to go.” He turned and walked out of the room.
Brody released her wrists and her hands came up to push against his chest. “Let me up,” she said impatiently.