Page 87 of Escaping the Past
“Better,” Lou stated, nodding her head.
Liz was totally focused on the man, the object of her affection.
“Mary Gordon just sat down next to him. The little hussy,” she breathed.
Lou casually looked over and waved a hand in the air in dismissal. “She has nothing on you.”
“You don’t think so?”
“I know so,” Lou replied. She had never had a girlfriend in her life, but was enjoying the camaraderie. “What’s his name?”
Liz breathed on a heavy sigh, “Dave.”
Liz gasped as she saw Dave get up and lead Mary Gordon onto the dance floor. “That’s it.” She smacked her hand on the table. “I need someone to dance with.” She looked hesitantly toward Lou. “Can I steal your man for just a few minutes?”
Lou thought hard about it for a moment and said, “I would love to share my man with you, for the sole purpose of dancing, that is. However, I would like to dance the first dance with him myself.” She looked at him beseechingly after draining the last drop of her beer.
He choked on soda. She patted him on the back, laughing. “You want to dance?” he sputtered out.
“Well, not if you don’t want to.” She pretended to pout.
“Oh, no,” he laughed back. “If the lady wants to dance on our first date, the lady gets to dance.” He stood up and pulled her from her chair, gently tugging her fingertips. He led her onto the dance floor and quickly showed her how to do a lively two-step. Alan Jackson set the rhythm and Brody kept it. Lou followed along surprisingly well.
The sound of Alan Jackson slowly tapered off and everyone on the dance floor stopped briefly to clap.
Then it was time for the next one. Barely a breather and Lou felt Brody slide his arms around her waist and pull her close. Her arms rose up around his neck where her hands tickled the fine curls that hung over his collar.
“I had no idea you could dance so well,” she said in his ear.
“You’re not so bad yourself.” He smiled into her eyes, as though they were the only two people in the world.
Lou felt his hands slide under her shirt to rest on the skin of her back. His hands moved along the waistline of her skirt and then he frowned. One finger slipped below the lacy fabric of the thong she was wearing which rode just a little higher than her skirt.
He took a deep breath. “Is that what I think it is?” he spoke close to her ear.
“Uh huh.” She nodded. Suddenly out of breath herself, heat creeping up her cheeks. “You don’t like it?”
“Well…” Common sense obviously warred with his true thoughts, “I haven’t seen it yet.”
“And just what makes you think you’re going to see it tonight?” she asked pertly. “Do you usually sleep with women on the first date?”
“You wouldn’t dare.” He groaned.
“Try me,” she replied.
“Well, that’s what I’m trying to do, Lou. Good grief,” he joked, nuzzling her neck.
Just then, the slow dance ended and Lou heard the quick beat of a Taylor Swift song begin. She felt a tap on her right shoulder and heard a kind voice speak to her. “Is this gentleman going to take all your time tonight? Or do you think you could steal a minute for an old man?” He must have been in his fifties and Brody knew him immediately, smiling and shaking hands with him.
“This old fella taught me geometry, Lou.” He addressed the older man. “Anyone but you and I would have to say no,” he laughed. “But if the lady agrees…” He motioned that they should proceed. Lou nodded enthusiastically.
As her new partner led her away, she yelled back to Brody, “Go and get Liz.” He nodded back at her, heading in that direction.
Lou went through two more partners before Brody found his way back to her. His arms slipped around her as he nuzzled the side of her face with his evening scruff. “Having fun?” he asked.
She nodded slowly. “I’m having a great time. Thanks so much for bringing me.” He brought his head down to kiss her softly and quickly on the lips.
“You see what I did?” he asked Lou, nodding to a place over his shoulder. Lou looked and saw Liz pressed close to Dave. They looked deeply into one another’s eyes, as though they were made for each other.