Page 60 of Ruthless Savior
I peppered her with questions, catching her infectious exuberance. By the time Raúl stepped into the lounge, Isabel and I had made half a dozen plans about places we would explore together soon.
When he cleared his throat to announce his presence, she stopped speaking on a frightened squeak. I offered her a reassuring smile, silently willing her to believe what I’d said about Raúl’s good nature.
“It’s time for dinner,” he announced, a clear dismissal of my guest.
I dropped my gaze to the floor just in time to prevent myself from rolling my eyes at his surliness. I could tease him about it later, but I wouldn’t do anything in front of Isabel that might damage his fierce reputation. While I didn’t want her to fear him, I also knew that the softer side of himself he showed me was intensely private. Allowing someone else to witness it would be a deep betrayal of his trust in me.
I made a show of glancing at the setting sun through the lounge windows. “I really should start cooking.” I turned a warm smile on Isabel. “Thanks again for coming over. It’s been so wonderful getting to know you. I’ll see you again soon?”
She shot an uneasy peek at Raúl before her attention darted back to me. “Definitely,” she agreed. “I’ll get in touch in a day or two, and we’ll plan something. Sound good?”
“I’d love that.”
I walked her to the door and waited until her car disappeared down the curve in the driveway before finally going back inside. Raúl was waiting for me, his brawny arms spread wide. I stepped into them without a second thought, eager to be enfolded in his strong embrace.
Chapter 20
I sat back on my heels, no longer bothering to pretend I was doing anything useful in the garden. Instead, I indulged myself in my new, obsessive pastime: watching Marisol. The full pout of her rosebud lips was the most exquisite thing I’d ever seen, and the bead of sweat that rolled down her chest to disappear between her breasts was shockingly erotic.
My unquenchable, savage desire for her was balanced by the quiet calm that I found in simply observing her, seeing her safe and content.
All because of me; because I provided for her. I protected her.
My little lamb wasn’t lost anymore. She was right where she belonged. Against all odds, she seemed truly content to be with me.
An irritating ding from my phone distracted me, and I pulled it from my pocket with a scowl. When the security notification appeared on my screen, a block of ice dropped in my gut.
“Go inside,” I barked, already making my way towards the front of the house.
I rounded on her, not sparing her from my fearsome glower. She shrank back, but I couldn’t find the calm to reassure her. Rage clawed through my chest, ripping all the more cruelly because it was edged with panic.
“Get inside, and stay inside. No matter what. Now, Marisol!” I bellowed when she didn’t move fast enough.
Her wide eyes and fearful gasp knifed through my heart, but I didn’t stop to muster up comforting words when she fled to follow my ferocious order. The presence of the men at my gates dragged at my attention, taking up too much space in my brain for me to have any reserves left for gentleness with Marisol.
It’s good if she’s afraid, I reasoned as I ran straight for the garage. She won’t try to leave the house if she’s scared of what’s out here.
My own stomach flipped with fear; a sickening sensation I hadn’t felt in years.
But my fear of them was too deeply ingrained to ever eradicate, even if they hadn’t dared to bother me since I’d joined Stefano’s cartel.
The police were at my house. Waiting at my gate. Trying to take me from my home and lock me away.
I reached the garage and threw myself into my nearest SUV. The garage doors took an eternity to open, and a low growl sounded in the back of my throat. By the time I finally slammed down on the gas, my knuckles were white from my death grip on the steering wheel.
I took the turns far too fast as I sped down the first mile of my long driveway, but I forced myself to slow the vehicle when I neared the gates.
Don’t act guilty. Don’t act aggressive. Don’t answer any questions.
The old, well-worn litany set my teeth on edge.
I couldn’t lose my mind to my most feral instincts. Not now. Killing two police officers without cause or prior planning would put the cartel at risk. If the cops didn’t eventually figure it out and pin the murders on me, Stefano would kill me for fucking up our business.
Don’t act guilty. Don’t act aggressive. Don’t answer any questions.
My jaw clenched almost hard enough to crack my teeth, but I managed to get the worst of my rage under control. It surged again when I rounded the final turn and caught sight of the enemy at my gates, but I somehow fought off the red haze that threatened to descend over my mind.