Page 75 of Ruthless Savior
“Marisol!” Gabriela sobbed her name over and over again, clinging to her as though she might disappear if she loosened her grip.
“I’m home, I’m home…” Marisol’s litany was a reassurance to her sister and to herself, a desperate promise that this was real.
They remained locked in their fierce hug for a long time, crying in pain and joy until their limbs were shaking and their voices went hoarse.
I lingered by the SUV, feeling like an intruder. My muscles tensed with the impulse to leave and give them privacy, but I couldn’t tear my eyes from the scene. The deep bond the sisters shared was unlike anything I’d ever seen; unlike anything I’d ever experienced. Witnessing their reunion made my heart pulse hard enough to bruise against my ribcage. I wanted to walk away and separate myself from the strange anguish, but I was transfixed by the shocking display of unconditional love.
Finally, Gabriela drew back just far enough to look into Marisol’s puffy, red-rimmed eyes.
“I can’t believe you’re here. I was so worried. I thought you might be…” A fresh sob hitched in her throat. “Why did you leave us, Marisol?”
The strain in her tone conveyed the harsher words she left unspoken: How could you leave us?
Marisol’s arms tightened around her sister’s shoulders, as though terrified that she might pull away. “It was the only way I could protect you. Gehovany would’ve come back for me. He would’ve done anything to get to me. After what he did to Mamá…” A shudder wracked her chest, and her delicate features twisted with raw grief. “I couldn’t let that happen to you. None of you will be hurt because of me. Never again.”
“But you’re back now?” Gabriela’s tone lilted with hope. “You won’t leave again? We will do anything to protect you, Marisol. We’ll do anything to keep you at home, where you belong.”
My jaw ticked with a flare of savage possessiveness.
My house was Marisol’s home now. Her family couldn’t keep her here. They couldn’t take her from me.
I forced down a calming breath and rolled my shoulders, trying to throw off the flash of jealous rage. Marisol didn’t need another dangerous man in her life who would try to forcibly take her from her loved ones.
She loves me, I reminded myself. She’s chosen me.
But the tension didn’t fully ease from my body until her chocolate eyes returned to mine. Her rosebud lips spread in a watery smile, and she held out her hand, inviting me to join them.
“Gabriela, this is Raúl. He’s made it possible for me to come back to you.” Her beautiful face radiated her pride and love for me. “He’s made everything possible.”
I glanced at Gabriela as I carefully took Marisol’s hand in mine, fearing that her sister might cringe away from me on instinct.
Shock tore through me when she grabbed my free hand with what I was sure was her full strength. “Thank you.”
I couldn’t do more than blink down at her in stunned silence. This slip of a girl didn’t know anything about me. Most men—merciless killers—avoided making eye contact with me, fearing my vicious focus.
But Gabriela stared up at me with wide, almost worshipful eyes; like I was some kind of fucking hero.
My heart swelled in my chest, and I grew taller in the glow of her grateful gaze.
“Let’s go inside, and I’ll explain everything,” Marisol urged.
A delighted laugh burst from Gabriela’s lips. “Oh, Papá and Mario are going to be so thrilled when they get home! Papá took him to the shop with him today, saying it’s never too early to instill a strong work ethic. They should be back in an hour or so. We can talk in the garden until they arrive.”
She practically skipped into the house, dragging her big sister along with a crushing grip on her hand.
Marisol shot an apologetic smile at me over her shoulder and waved for me to follow.
Of course, we’d already agreed that we wouldn’t explain everything to her family. She didn’t want them to know the horrors she’d endured on her agonizing journey, and neither of us wanted them to know about my involvement in the cartel.
We’d decided to keep things as vague as possible. We would truthfully say that she hadn’t been able to cross the US border, and we would divulge that I’d saved her during the thief’s attack in Juárez. After that, the glossed-over version of our relationship would share the fact that I took her to my home outside Mexico City and gave her a safe place to live.
I was particularly keen to inform them that we’d fallen in love, and now, Marisol was staying with me forever.
In my home. In my bed.
All mine.
I shook off the possessive thoughts before my worst impulses could overwhelm me. More than anything, I wanted my little lamb to be blissfully happy, and reuniting her with her family was the most valuable gift I could ever give her.