Page 53 of Eternally His
His eyes widened, and his features went slack. “You’re worried about me, nenita?” he asked, his voice soft with disbelief.
“Yes,” I replied firmly. I was too concerned to consider that I was revealing my vulnerability when it came to him. Just minutes ago, I’d been dejected and angry that he’d let me down. Now, I was desperate to know that he was whole and well.
I cared about my husband, and now, he would know it.
His grip on my wrists shifted, and he laced his fingers through mine with a reassuring squeeze. “Someone has been skimming product from our shipments,” he admitted. “Tonight, I caught him, and he tried to get away. I handled it.”
I sucked in a breath, knowing that he’d most likely killed the thief.
I hardened my heart. The thief had clearly tried to attack Sebastián. If his death meant that my husband was alive, then I could deal with the violence.
“But you were hurt,” I pressed.
“He shot at me. He missed.”
“Not entirely,” I countered, eyeing the small, dark stain on his shirt. It wasn’t expanding, and some of the anxiety that gripped my heart loosened. He truly was okay. Hurt, but not in real danger of bleeding out.
“No,” he admitted, his lips twitching with the hint of a smile. “Not entirely. But I’m fine.” His mouth firmed once again, and his eyes were sharp on mine. “But you were upset when I came home. What’s wrong?”
“It’s nothing,” I said quickly, my cheeks heating. I’d been so self-centered thinking ill of him when he’d been out there fighting for his life.
He released one of my hands so that he could cup my cheek. His thumb hooked below my jaw, gently forcing my head to tilt so I had no choice but to face him.
“Tell me,” he commanded.
I pressed my lips together, and his expression firmed, stern and immovable as stone.
“I told you what happened to me,” he said. “Now you have to do the same.”
My shoulders dropped. I didn’t want to tell him how petty I’d been. Not when he’d faced true danger.
“It doesn’t matter,” I muttered.
His chin dipped, and he fixed me with a hard stare. “It matters to me.”
A shiver rolled through me along with his rumbling tone. I couldn’t deny him. He wouldn’t release me until I was as honest with him as he’d been with me.
“I made dinner,” I said reluctantly. “Well, I helped make it. And then you didn’t come home, and I thought…” I trailed off, unable to say how childish I’d been.
His thumb brushed my heated cheek. “I’m sorry that happened. I would’ve been here if I could.”
Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes, emotion getting the better of me. “I know. I’m sorry too. You’re hurt, and I was being ridiculous.”
He regarded me for a long moment. “You told me that your family mistreated you. I won’t be like that, Isabel. You can rely on me.”
I released a shuddering breath as relief crashed down on me. I hadn’t realized how much I needed to hear that. Sebastián wouldn’t neglect me. He wasn’t cold toward me.
He cared.
“Wait here.” He gave my hand a gentle squeeze before he released me. “I’ll be right back.”
I nodded, the scene turning somewhat surreal. A few weeks ago, I never would’ve imagined this conversation. I never would’ve imagined being married to a man who actually cared about me, especially when that man was Sebastián Castillo.
He returned, and happiness bubbled up in my chest. I released it on a soft sob, my emotions running high.
Sebastián placed my laptop and e-reader on the table, and he pressed my phone into my waiting hand. His touch lingered, not releasing me even once I gripped the phone like a lifeline.
“You trust me?” I asked, my voice soft with awe. I’d been hoping that he’d give my phone back if we got to know one another, but I hadn’t expected it to be like this. I’d expected to have to beg and plead for months before he allowed me the privilege.
“I trust you, Isabel,” he promised. “Now, you can always contact me.”
My heart squeezed. Not only did he trust me, but he wanted to prove to me that he wouldn’t neglect me. He wouldn’t leave me alone and isolated.
“Thank you,” I whispered, a hot tear rolling down my cheek.
His expression tightened into something fierce. “I’m not your captor, tesoro,” he swore. “You’re free.”
My heart soared. He didn’t know what his words meant to me. Even before I’d been forced into this marriage, I hadn’t truly felt free; I’d been trapped in a life where I had few choices and very little control over what happened to me. When I stepped out of line, I was beaten.
Sebastián would never hurt me like that. This marriage might be a cage, but he’d set me free.