Page 75 of War of Hearts
Chapter Twenty-Three
My recent memories were fuzzy. I’d drifted in and out for… How long?
I wasn’t sure. All I knew was there were moments of pain, and then a warm fog would take it away.
Someone’s hand covered mine. But it wasn’t the small, soft hand I craved.
The last thing I could remember clearly was her pained expression as Gabriel Costa ripped her away from me.
My eyes snapped open, and I jolted forward. An erratic beeping sounded around me, but I ignored it, as well as the pain that knifed through my lower back.
“Easy, son.” Dad’s hand left mine to touch my shoulder, guiding me back down onto the hospital bed.
“Ashlyn,” I ground out her name as I gritted my teeth against the pain. I had to get to her. I had to know she was safe.
“Ashlyn is fine. She’s with Marco.” My father’s lips twisted around the last statement.
“Costa,” I growled his name, remembering the way he and his men had hurt her. “Where is he?”
“He’s dead. Leo killed him.” He didn’t even blink when he told me Marco’s dad had killed his rival. “That little shit Matteo ran straight to Gabriel after he saw… Well, after he saw you. Marco and Leo tracked him down and found out that Gabriel had come for me at the restaurant. They got to us in time to save you.
“Leo’s in lockup at the moment,” Dad added. “We couldn’t fully explain everything away as a robbery gone wrong. But I’m sure he’ll post bail and be out in no time.”
I nodded, not really caring about Marco’s dad. He always managed to get out of serving jail time. I was sure he’d manage it again.
“What about you?” I asked. “Have the cops been hassling you?” I might not like my father’s criminal lifestyle, but I didn’t want him to go to jail.
“I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about me, son. Just focus on getting better.”
But I couldn’t focus on that. I couldn’t focus on anything but Ashlyn. I wouldn’t be able to rest until I saw she was safe.
“Where are Ashlyn and Marco?”
Dad sighed, his expression drooping with disappointment. “I told them they couldn’t see you yet. I wanted to talk to you.” His pale eyes glinted, his jaw firming with anger. “And they’re not your family.”
“They are,” I countered. “I know you don’t understand, but
they are my family, Dad.”
“No, I don’t understand. But I don’t want to see my only son murdered because he’s… Because of his unorthodox choices.” I knew he was swallowing a dirtier word, and I appreciated his tact.
“Once you’re better, you’re going to have to leave New York,” he continued. “All of you. Ashlyn doesn’t belong here, and Marco’s not welcome here anymore, either.”
I knew my father would think of my exile as a punishment, but he had no idea the gift he’d just given me: a way out.
“Thanks, Dad,” I said earnestly. “Are we all right? I mean, I know you’re not happy about all this, but we’re still on speaking terms, right?”
His eyes sparkled with a glimmer of tears. “I thought I was going to lose you. I thought you were going to bleed out on the floor while I watched. Maybe, if that hadn’t happened, I’d throw you out and never speak to you again. As it is…” He swiped at the wetness on his face. “Call me anytime, son. If you ever need anything, just call me.”
“I will,” I promised. “What about Mom? How is she taking all this?”
He waved his hand dismissively. “Your mother is furious at Ashlyn for stealing you away. Give her some time, and she’ll cool off. She loves you, too.”
“Can I see her? Ashlyn, I mean. I want to see her and Marco.”