Page 24 of Virtually Bossy
Olivia started to hobble and said, “I’m the wicked witch of the East and I’ve put a spell on your friend. Okay?”
We laughed at her. It was then that I realized that not only was she beautiful, but funny too. I was in fucking trouble. Because I was falling in love with this woman. I never did call Lenny to join the club, with Olivia by my side the whole idea of being with another woman felt weird. I’d never been like this, I shook my head at the idea of being with this one woman.
Yet, for some reason it didn’t feel so bad. In fact it felt fucking good.
Chapter Fifteen
There was one thing that Ross wasn’t getting and that was another pretty young secretary. He’d given me the chore of finding him a secretary and that was exactly what I intended to do.
Interviews were being held, and I made sure that notices went out on the Internet and the agencies about the type of candidates that Ross needed.
Part of me felt bad for making this decision. I loved him and our relationship needed to be built on trust.
“Maybe this isn’t a good idea, Amelia. After all, I need to be able to trust Ross. Relationships need to be based on that.”
She looked at me with her dark eyes as we had coffee, before I went up to start interviewing the candidates. We were sitting in a table in the corner of Starbucks, hoping that neither Ross nor Craig spotted us in there. For some reason whenever they saw us both together talking, they started to get nervous. I was just happy that Amelia was nice. She was a bit controlling, but I did feel at ease with her and besides, I didn’t really have any friends. Not anymore. When Mom got sick they all ran away as if her illness were contagious. One friend even said to me that staying around me made her feel old. As if we all wouldn’t get there one day! But for some reason people seemed to be in denial of this. Even so-called friends.
“Stuff that. Men like to be controlled and not in a way that’s obvious. So you don’t tell him what to do. You just make out that it’s his idea.”
“But Craig’s always bitching to Ross about going to the Fifty Shades club.”
She nodded, “I know, but he needs to do that to look like a man in front of Ross. He can’t tell him what’s really going on.”
“What’s that?”
Amelia laughed, and said, “It was my idea to go to the Fifty Shades club the first time. But I only wanted to go to one event. It’s Craig that’s keeps dragging me to them every fucking week.” Now she had got me curious and I wanted to give this damn club a try. I’ve got a feeling that Ross does too, he talks about it too much not to be interested in it at all.
“Men want to control women.”
Being with Ross made me realize that I’d never been in a relationship before. I’d been with men, sure, but always with the thought that my career was number one and that love was a fool’s game.
“Did you just say…?”
Amelia nodded. “You need to let them be the ones that think that they’re in control. Then, while they’re not looking, play the victim. Make out that if they don’t go along with it, then they’ll upset you. If that doesn't work, then make out that you’ll leave.”
“Now that’s a bit drastic. We’ve only just started dating.”
She laughs, “Really? So you don’t think there’s any future for your both?”
Amelia crossed her arms and made me feel nervous as she waited for my reply.
“I like to think that there is.”
“You’re kidding me. I see the way that you look at him and the way he looks at you. Let me be frank with you.” She moved closer across the table. “Before you came along, Ross hadn’t been with a real woman. Sure, girls and playthings. But no one he took to dinner. Let alone went to meet their parents.”
I had a flashback of him saying that he wanted to meet Mom and how it had made me feel. But then Aunt Veronica had insisted on them both watching Billionaires and once again Ross had decided that every Friday night was their Billionaires night. Ross found it hilarious how billionaires behave on TV compared to real life. He didn’t realize that they were practically one and the same.
“I know.”
“So fight for him, Olivia, and get those old ladies or men to interview for the position and when they’re done give one of them to Ross. He told you to hire someone,” she lifted her eyebrow.
“Yes, but he doesn’t know that they’ll be over sixty years old.”
“Oh, what’s a little surprise now and again, when you’re in love? Put on a sexy number and pour a glass of champagne and tell him. He’ll be too infatuated to even hear what you’re saying.”
I laughed. “Just like some of the candidate